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Cameron Parry
"My Soul"

Cameron Parry, 51/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:27 AM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 2 days ago
Location: Melbourne Australia

"Feeling fantastic and ready for new challenges "
About me:
I have now a very attentive, special owner who looks after me. Thanks to all those who asked to buy me as I appreciated this a a lot, but I am really happy with my owner now:) Big year of goodbyes this year but the last half has included a life changing trip to Europe and a fresh new attitude. Saying good bye to the past and embracing my future is my goal for 2010.
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Sex Kittens, VIP - Very Important Pets, Nerds are Sexy, hOt dOtz, KC's Sunshine Band, UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Little miss Lost
Little miss Lost
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Cameron's tales
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Cameron Parry
THE first thing a journalist - I mean a real journalist - would do is tell you what actually happened.

Like this: an American officer shot dead 13 soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas on Friday.

Then the second thing a journalist - a real one - would do is to try to explain why. You know, to help you make sense of this, and to help stop such a terrible thing from happening again.

So this real journalist would be keen to pass on to you these following clues.

The Fort Hood killer, army psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan, was a Muslim. He shouted "God is great" in Arabic as he opened fire.

What's more, fellow doctors and students had complained about his fiery preaching of Islam and "anti-American propaganda".

He'd praised the killing in June of another US soldier by a Muslim American.
Colonel Terry Lee also recalled Hasan telling him: "Muslims should stand up and fight against the aggressor." And these were all facts known to journalists within hours.

Soon came collaborative details: Hasan had attended a radical mosque, and at the same time as did two September 11 terrorists. He'd given away copies of the Koran on the morning of the shootings.

He'd also described himself as "Palestinian" on a mosque's register, despite having been born in Virginia. He'd said Muslims should mount suicide attacks in Times Square, and two years ago told fellow student Dr Val Finnell that the "war on terror" was actually a "war against Islam".

He'd been disciplined for preaching Islam at his patients.

Now it's even reported that investigators suspected months ago that Hasan tried to contact al-Qaida.

Are you getting a picture here? Or do you need me to scream "Allahu Akbar" in your ear, too?

But whether or not you find these details conclusive in establishing a motive - in answering that why? - here's the astonishing thing: most of our Left-leaning media outlets resisted even reporting them.

This information was kept from the public for fear, I assume, that you might get the "wrong" idea - just as SBS after the September 11 attacks destroyed tape it had of the then mufti of Australia praising suicide bombers in his mosque, telling me it feared you might reach an "unfair" conclusion about this hate-preaching jihadist.

And the "wrong" idea you might have got from Friday's slaughter was this: here was yet another American Muslim on a jihad against his own country.

In fact, journalist after journalist advanced every possible motive of the massacre bar the one that was screaming in their ears.

Oh, you think I'm exaggerating? Then let's review, just for a start, the ABC's coverage on Friday.

Its first substantial report, by correspondent Lisa Millar, failed in eight minutes to even note the killer was a Muslim, hinting only that Hasan may have suffered harassment because of his unspecified "family background".

And, yes, I'm sure you noticed: a Muslim accused of murdering 13 non-Muslims was once more to be portrayed as the real victim.

At midday, ABC correspondent John Shovelan filed another long report, which did fleetingly note that Hasan "had been a Muslim all his life", but only after painting him as one more suicidal soldier traumatised by American's war-mongering.

Hasan had "spent years dealing with troops suffering post-traumatic stress after returning from war zones", said Shovelan, and already 75 soldiers at Fort Hood had killed themselves.Small problem with this theory: Hasan had not actually committed suicide and had never been to war.

Yet this "war-is-hell" angle was too handy an excuse, leading reporter Kim Landers to next suggest on PM: "This attack raises new questions about the toll that continuous fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan is taking on the US military and individual soldiers."

It did? Let me repeat, Kim: Hasan is a psychiatrist. He never fought anywhere, until the day he decided to fight America. "Allahu Akbar!"

But the desire to turn this massacre into another example of the evil of America's wars and meanness to Muslims was overwhelming.

SBS that night claimed that investigators were still searching for a motive for the massacres, only to have newsreader Lee Lin Chin then suggest the one SBS preferred: "And later in the program we'll be examining some of the problems faced by Muslim soldiers in the military."

The Sydney Morning Herald likewise reported only that Hasan had faced "harassment" from the army for being Muslim and merely opposed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan "after hearing the stories of returning servicemen".

CNN claimed that "treating trauma victims may cause its own trauma", and Canada's National Post agreed "it is

a cruel irony that the very mental disorder Major Hasan was trained to treat may have claimed himas a victim".

Ah, yes: Hasan was just a good man, maddened by his own good works. By American wars and racism.

The New York Times summed up this agreed lesson: "The shootings ... (were) shining a spotlight on the tensions Muslims feel inside the United States."

Pardon? The tensions Muslims feel in the US or inspire? I mean, who did the shooting here?

If the spotlight is on anything, it's surely on the fact that although just 3500 Muslims serve in America's 1.4 million-strong military, Hasanjoins a disturbingly long list of Muslim soldiers who declared war on their country.

Sgt Hasan Akbar, for instance, killed two of his officers and wounded 14 other soldiers when he rolled a grenade into their tent during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which he said was anti-Muslim.

Sgt Ali Mohamed became Osama bin Laden's driver and admitted he helped al-Qaida bomb US embassies in Africa, killing more than 200 people.

Navy signalman Massan Abujihaad, Army specialist Ryan Anderson and Army reservist Semi Osman were each convicted for helping al-Qaida, and Marine Abdul Raheem al Arshad Ali trained at a suspected al-Qaida camp.

Then there was Army sniper John Muhammad, who murdered 10 civilians in 2002 in what his accomplice described as a "jihad".

Or consider the terrorism attacks planned by Muslim American civilians on US troops, such as the plot by five men in 2007 to kill soldiers at Fort Dix, or the gunning down of two soldiers in Arkansas by a convert five months ago.

I N September two more Muslims were charged with plotting attacks on a Dallas skyscraper and a federal building in Illinois, and last month a Boston Muslim was arrested for allegedly planning attacks on shopping malls.

There is a pattern here as unmistakable as Hasan's cry of "Allahu Akbar!" A minority of American Muslims - but not such a tiny one - choose their faith over their allegiance to their country, their ethnicity over their nationality, and are prey to a violent ideology that Islam seems to license.

Even the day after the Fort Hood shootings, a BBC reporter recorded a worshipper at Hasan's mosque saying he was the killer's "brother in the end" and "I will never condemn him", because his victims were just "going ... to kill Muslims" so "I honestly have not pity for them".

Here, then, are the real questions raised by the Fort Hood massacre.

How much of a threat is Islam to a secular, multi-ethnic society like America's - and ours?

How sure can we be of the loyalty of Muslim troops in a war against a Muslim country?

Have we become so fearful of asking such questions that even a Hasan, with his record for hate-preaching, is not just allowed to serve in the US military, but is promoted to the rank of major by people apparently too scared to seem racist to object?

And can you trust journalists to even tell you the facts you need to reach the right answers?

Cameron Parry "My Soul" Loving - 15 years, 3 months, 27 days ago
Cameron Parry

No way, we ain't gonna break up
We made a promise and our will won't fade out
Not just in oh-eight and oh-nine
we'll be together from now until the end of time
you got the Shirley Appleby look
I'm totally caught up in your hook
You know that we are gonna be okay
We'll stick together as we're trippin' down the freeway

(Trippin' down the freeway)

You withheld the physical love I need
I said "hey, that I'm gonna play left field"
You broke down and told me you loved me true
I said "Girl, I got to be with you"

No way, we ain't gonna break up
I made a promise and our will won't fade out
Not just in oh-nine and oh-ten
we'll be together from now until the very end
you got the Shirley Appleby look
I'm totally caught up in your hook
You know that we are gonna be okay
We'll stick together as we're trippin' down the freeway

No way, we ain't gonna break up
We made a promise and I will wolf it out
Not just in oh-ten and oh-eleven
we'll be together from now until we're up in heaven
you got the Shirley Appleby look
I'm totally caught up in your hook
You know that we are gonna be okay
We'll stick together as we're trippin' down the freeway

Cameron Parry "My Soul" Loving - 15 years, 3 months, 29 days ago
Cameron Parry
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks..

Separately, Rudd angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote:

'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks onBali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. '

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'

'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'

'If you aren't happy here, then LEAVE.

We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here.

So accept the country that has accepted you.'

Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves,

WE will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths.

Cameron Parry "My Soul" Loving - 15 years, 4 months, 2 days ago
Cameron Parry
The slur du jour aimed at atheists appears to be that of "militant atheism." While we in the atheist community know full well that there is no such thing as a militant atheist, the Christians who use this phrase remain willfully ignorant or are simply so used to distorting reality that it no longer bothers them. Make no mistake - this is a form of anti-atheist bigotry and should be treated as such. Atheists need to have a plan for responding to the charge of militancy. To do so, we must understand the accusation, why we are seeing it, and what it reveals about those making it.

Applications of the "Militant" Label

Richard Dawkins was greeted with accusations of "militant atheism" when he published The God Delusion. Based on the book's title, even many Christians who never read the book could assume that it was an attack on their god-belief. That was all it took. Dawkins dared to criticize their religious beliefs; this made him "militant." For those who did actually read the book, it was clear that Dawkins had committed an even worse offense than criticizing religion - he encouraged others to do so. Yep, he was militant alright. Militant for writing a book.

And now we have PZ Myers, widely accused of "militant atheism" for mocking Catholicism in the Crackergate incident. What exactly was Myers' offense? He criticized religion on his blog, encouraged others to do the same, spoke out against religion in various interviews, and destroyed a wafer obtained from a Communion ritual. This makes him militant? Really?

These may have been two of the most prominent examples, but there have been countless others accused of "militant atheism." The pattern which emerges is quite clear: a militant atheist is an atheist who does not keep his or her feelings about religion hidden. That is, you might be a militant atheist if you express yourself on the subject of religion. Exercising your freedom of speech makes you militant.

The Myth of Militant Atheism

In a previous post on the subject of militant atheism, I wrote,

Since atheism refers to the lack of theistic belief, militant atheism must be something like an aggressive or impassioned lack of theism. Confused yet? Yeah, me too. Once we understand what atheism is, it becomes evident that "militant atheism" is meaningless, at least in this context.In all other contexts in which the word "militant" is applied, it refers to behavior rather than one's viewpoint. Moreover, the "militant" descriptor is typically reserved for violent behavior. According to State of Protest, "Real militant atheism is literally taking up a weapon and fighting those who support religion, and in some cases those who merely don’t support real militant atheism." For example, when The Uncredible Hallq searched Google for "militant Christian" and "militant Muslim," he found that they were used to depict persons or groups committing acts of violence. Catholics issuing death threats to PZ Myers seems to fit the bill; criticizing religion does not.

So what is really going on when a Christian uses the "militant atheism" accusation? According to Russell Cole of the Midwest Populist Party,Consequentially, the terminology, militant atheists, should be understood not as an expression that refers to the elements in society who possess the intellectual tenacity to hold to scrutiny the mythology that continues to dominant the worldviews possessed by the religious; the flocks of mindless followers. To the contrary, the unfortunate phrase is best understood as the projection upon the reasoned and rational, by those who lack such lucid deliberations, of the very shortcomings that impede the intellectual maturation of the faithful.Rather than acknowledging that those trying to improve society might have legitimate reasons to seeking change, it is easier for those in power to demonize them. We saw this with the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, and we are seeing it now as atheists seek equality.

Future posts will explain how accusations of "militant atheism" are a form of anti-atheist bigotry and will explore how atheists should respond to such accusations. For now, I highly recommend this video. If you have written on these subjects, please feel free to leave links to your content in the comments.

Cameron Parry "My Soul" Loving - 15 years, 8 months, 8 days ago
Cameron Parry
SOME 25,000 construction workers have rallied across Australia, adding their voices to the ACTU's push for the abolition of the building watchdog dubbed "Gillard's Gestapo".

The workers, who gathered in capital cities across Australia, are also demanding the rollout of uniform national health and safety laws. Rallies were held across the nation to mark Workers' Memorial Day, in honour of workers killed on the job.

ACTU president Sharan Burrow said the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC), initiated under the Howard Government, was an "abomination". Unionists have long complained that workers pointing out safety faults at construction sites risk jail if they refuse to cooperate with the ABCC.

"Those coercive powers shouldn't exist in any democracy and they must go," Ms Burrow told a crowd of 2000 workers who marched on Queensland Parliament in Brisbane.

"Workers can be hauled off the job, they can be forced to answer questions."

Electrical Trades Union state secretary Peter Simpson told the Brisbane rally that the ABCC remained in existence despite a promise by the Rudd Government to get rid of it.

"They were set up by Howard and they're his version of the Waffen SS (Nazi-era secret police)," Mr Simpson said.

"They're now Gillard's Gestapo," he added, referring to Employment and Workplace Relations Minister Julia Gillard.

Ms Burrow also called for the "highest possible standards" as Australia moves towards a more streamlined, national approach to occupational health and safety laws.

The Federal Government and all the states and territories have agreed to review the nine different systems currently in place across the nation. A panel reviewing the laws will produce a draft report at the end of October and a final report in early 2009, and Ms Burrow said the outcome must hand workers the protection they deserve.

Ms Burrow said 7000 workers died from accidents, work-related injury and disease in 2008 - four times the national road toll.

"These building workers who build our cities and communities ... deserve better," she said.

Others called for the work-related death toll to be given greater prominence.

Unionist Amanda Richards said that while road deaths were reported nightly, industrial deaths weren't given the same prominence, leading to a lack of public awareness.

ABCC head John Lloyd rejected union attempts to link the construction industry's poor health and safety record with the existence of the ABCC.

"The comments indicate that the ACTU is misinformed about the facts concerning occupational health and safety regulation in the building and construction industry," Mr Lloyd said.

"The ABCC is not given responsibility for occupational health and safety regulations in the building and construction industry.

"This rests with state occupational health and safety agencies, Comcare and the Federal Safety Commissioner."

Queensland's industrial relations minister Cameron Dick received loud applause when he accepted a proposal for a Brisbane CBD memorial to workers killed on the job.

In Melbourne, 15,000 workers gathered at the Victorian Trades Hall and were led in a minute's silence. Across NSW more than 4000 construction workers observed a minute's silence. About 3000 workers rallied in Perth, while hundreds gathered in Hobart, Adelaide and Darwin.

Cameron Parry "My Soul" Loving - 15 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
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 i iz lonely You have been given i iz lonely.
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