There is nothing sweet about me! *lol*
But a random note about me:
I was born and raised in Munich (Germany); went to college in Mannheim; currently live in Laguna Beach and have briefly called Fuerteventura (Spain) and some german citys home. So, sorry about my bad english! ;-)
I consider myself a pacifist, conservationist and an idealist. I love the ocean and surfing – The water is my element. I hung out at the beach and enjoy everything around me. I play also soccer and I'm really competitive. So it is funny to see how amircan guys playing soccer. But it is fun and exercising. I ride very often in the wildernes park my bike and enjoy the nature. All my life I was been commited to this!
I have a thing for red wine, sunsets, bavarian food, german beer... and briefly for baseball and football.
I say what I have to say and I'm sarcastic. And I'm very straight about my minds. My friends don’t like the way I drive and avoid riding with me at all costs. This works in my favor because I never have to be the designated driver.
You get what you give people - don’t say I didn’t warn you.
I laugh at myself often. Trust me, there’s a lot to laugh at.
Life is an occasion we should rise to. The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. Whatever we run from runs us. We are not shaped by our experiences, but rather what we take from them. The most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves.
Let's get the Party started.... World Cup Soccer... I'm in the fever...and root for my country germany! Yay!!! California Krachal"Surfer"Adventurous
- 14 years, 8 months, 29 days ago
Fuer einen ganz besonderen und wichtigen Menschen.