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Buffy Willemson | - Free online hangout and friends
Oggle Bugga
Oggle Bugga owns this human at 6000 points.

Sorry I been MIA, I'm 1/2 back!
Buffy Willemson
Buffy Willemson
"♥ ✿✿ܓ "

Buffy Willemson, 46/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:54 AM
Join date:15 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
Location: United States

About me:
I'm not 4 sale!!! I luv my ownie & do NOT wish to be taken from her lol. My petz R not 4 Sale either, I would ask 1st So plz B considR8 & ASK 2, iNSTEAD V b'ING A total ASS. Photobucket There's Lots 2 no bout me, so juz ask, i luv makin new friendz, & luvv thiz site. No DramaS but, if therez crap from any1 bout anythang & i most likly juz block ya. I will do backgroundz & fan signz for auction. Also check out my herdz for thumbing jobz. If U have stoppD By say Hi & leave a comment.> Letz all juz have fun. Blessed Be HpRz *hugz*
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About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): SG ~ 100 pages, SG ~ 100 pages2, SG ~ 200 pages, spamarama, ~SG - 50 PaGeS!~, Contest Judges Herd, SG <333, SG Petz n FriendZ, SG 10,000
Herds: we love thumbZZZZZ, Zen and the Art of Thumbing, ♥BoReDoM-ThUmBs♥, Angel 420, 1-2-3-4 .. I Declare a Thumb war, ~Angel~, ~420 Pages~, Anna, Art of Leisure, Secret thumb, Anna's 200pg herd, Just Another Herd, 10,000 ThumbZ, paulie needs points, NASCAR Fans & Friends, 100 pgs, 200, Making Friends in Distant Places, Mirjana's stuffs
Lynne The Lover
Lynne The Lover
"Purrr! :)"
281423 pts

Craig Ashley Thetford
Craig Ashley Thetford
50000 pts
Buffy's tales
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Buffy Willemson
I have bee away from HP for a few weeks, my nan has been very unwell, my other nan has been in & out of hospital. My nan-in-law passed away, and 2 days later my cousins great-nan passed. Been a sad month.
If I owe you any points for thumbs pls message me, I will pay you as soon as I can. I have my time back now so I will check in regulary.
Thanks for everyones understanding and support. and I'm sorry for taking so log to pay some of you. p&l *hugzz*
Buffy Willemson "♥ ✿✿ܓ " Sorry I been MIA, I'm 1/2 back! - 15 years, 4 months, 11 days ago
Buffy Willemson
I have been thinking about starting a daily herd, I may do 10-20 pages a day, please msg me if you are willing to exchange, I only need a small group of thumberz, b'cuz I can max out daily already, lol.

* Msg me if you have a daily spam herd you want 2 exchange.

Or if You are interested in thumbing a max of 10 peeps posting 10 pages per day, let me know, I may even start 2 herdz ;p
Buffy Willemson "♥ ✿✿ܓ " Sorry I been MIA, I'm 1/2 back! - 15 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
Buffy Willemson
Tips 4 Spam Herdz, 4 easier Thumbing.

{{Don't use a background, or try not to change the font size or borders too much.}}

If there is a code in the thumbing herd then use your "tools" options on your internet browser and select "Full Screen", you will not have to scroll up & down, you will be able 2 C all 15 comments on your screen. You may have to change your screen resolution in your Settings. ;P
Buffy Willemson "♥ ✿✿ܓ " Sorry I been MIA, I'm 1/2 back! - 15 years, 5 months, 28 days ago
Buffy Willemson

Buffy Willemson "♥ ✿✿ܓ " Sorry I been MIA, I'm 1/2 back! - 15 years, 6 months, 3 days ago
Buffy Willemson
I now Need help 2 buy a pet LOL.
Plz any1.
I can make a fan sign 4 50K, or write a note on my hand 4 100K.
I'll do a signed pic, a page layout, a movie, a postcard, a spell, a quick astrology reading, a poem ? there's lotz I can do.
Buffy Willemson "♥ ✿✿ܓ " Sorry I been MIA, I'm 1/2 back! - 15 years, 6 months, 5 days ago
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My name is miss comfort.I am a female I was impressed when i saw your profile today,i became interested in you,i will also like to know more about you mean while i have something important to discussed with you,and I will like to established a long lasting relationship with you.and if you can write to me with my contact address,i will give you my pictures,this is my address( comfortandrew/78/@/ya/hoo/./com/./sg )I believe we can move from here i am Awaiting for your reply,please contact me directly with my address ( ) distance or colour does not matter but what matters allot is love,please dont write to me in the site
liciaokoh101 - 14 years, 6 months, 19 days ago
I can't believe how long it's been since I visited :(
I hope your men are better, and that life is back to something a bit more normal
Peace &amp; Love.... You have been given Peace & Love.....
Crafted by Jeni Black
Chris "My Chris" Curious - 14 years, 9 months, 5 days ago
Angel "Angelic Beauty" angelsheaven lydelights.o rg - 14 years, 9 months, 12 days ago

Strolling by to say hi :) You have been given Strolling by to say hi :) .
Crafted by Unknown
Angel "Angelic Beauty" angelsheaven lydelights.o rg - 14 years, 9 months, 12 days ago

I love my pet :) You have been given I love my pet :) .
Crafted by Unknown
Angel "Angelic Beauty" angelsheaven lydelights.o rg - 14 years, 9 months, 12 days ago

The Best Pet Award. You have been given The Best Pet Award..
Crafted by Strange Paul
Angel "Angelic Beauty" angelsheaven lydelights.o rg - 15 years, 2 days ago
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Buffy's shop
The MaGiK BoX

I have a new Item *4 my Ownie* made my Pimpmunk visit his store for gr8 funny items

U Must VisiT The Best Shop On HP, Mirjana's shop, she has gr8 items & beautiful creations 4 sale thru auction. Click below

Get your myspace counter

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Have a magical Day
1 use

200 pts
Have a magical Day
Bought by 17 people
$Donationz 4 Buffy$
1 use

9999 pts
$Donationz 4 Buffy$
Bought by 1 people
I love U
1 use

200 pts
I love U
Bought by 14 people
Make a Wish
1 use

200 pts
Make a Wish
Bought by 9 people
Adults only
Waiting 4 U
1 use

250 pts
Waiting 4 U
Bought by 13 people
Adults only
Kisses 4 U
1 use

250 pts
Kisses 4 U
Bought by 27 people
Showin' Luv♥
1 use

200 pts
Showin' Luv♥
Bought by 17 people
A Star 4 U
1 use

200 pts
A Star 4 U
Bought by 11 people
Luv 4 My Owner
1 use

200 pts
Luv 4 My Owner
Bought by 58 people
Wishing U A Beautiful Day
1 use

200 pts
Wishing U A Beautiful Day
Bought by 45 people
LuV 4 U
1 use

200 pts
LuV 4 U
Bought by 11 people
~A DoNaTIoN♥
1 use

5000 pts
~A DoNaTIoN♥
Bought by 7 people
4 My Ownie
1 use

200 pts
4 My Ownie
Bought by 26 people
♥nite nite♥
1 use

150 pts
♥nite nite♥
Bought by 9 people
a relaxation spell
1 use

170 pts
a relaxation spell
Bought by 24 people
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