♥ Love My Owner ♥
Brandy's tales
Today was such a hectic day at work..... Telephone customer service is always bad, because you never have a good day in customer service, but on the 1st of the month when everyone gets paid, they call to make payments. Mondays are always busy because people who don't think we are open on weekends call in. When Monday falls on the 1st, it's a double whammy... and my co-workers know it so they fake an illness. It totally sucks to people like me who never pretend to be sick.
Brandy ♥ Love My Owner ♥
- 12 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
Every 24 hours, come here for a random treasure! You got 1000 points!
Brandy ♥ Love My Owner ♥
- 12 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
I just got a ticket for an expired registration. The officer asked me.... have you had anything to drink tonight.... it's not even 8:00 and he's trying to get a DUI conviction...... I haven't had a drink of alcohol in over 6 months.... what a jerk that guy is.
Brandy ♥ Love My Owner ♥
- 12 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
Every 24 hours, come here for a random treasure! You got 800 points!
Brandy ♥ Love My Owner ♥
- 12 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
Feeling sick but not able to leave work without getting fired because I have missed so much time the last few months. Life sucks somrtimes!
Brandy ♥ Love My Owner ♥
- 12 years, 3 months, 4 days ago
Brandy's Shop of Love
Most recent customers:
"Canuck Gold"
1477459 pts
"Llama King 🦙"
3472875 pts
50 pts