The Litanies of Satan /baudelaire
Oh you, the wisest and the most beautiful of Angels,
God betrayed by fate and deprived of praises,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
Oh Prince of exile, you who were wronged
And who, defeated, always return stronger,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who know all, great king of subterranean things,
Familiar healer of human anguish,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who, even to the lepers, to the cursed pariahs,
Teach through love the taste of Paradise,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
Oh you who from Death, your old, strong lover,
Engendered Hope, -- a charming madwoman!
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who lend the condemned man that calm and haughty gaze
That condemns an entire people around the gallows.
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who know in what corners of envious lands
The jealous God hid precious gems,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You whose clear eye knows the deep arsenals
In which sleep buried the multitude of metals,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You whose large hand hides precipices
From the sleepwalker wandering on the edge of buildings,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who, magically, make supple the old bones
Of the drunkard run late and trampled by horses,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who, to console the frail man in pain,
Taught us to mix saltpeter and sulphur,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who place your mark, oh subtle accomplice,
On the brow of pitiless and vile Croesus,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
You who set in the eyes and in the hearts of girls
The cult of the wound and the love of rags,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
Staff of the exiles, lamp of inventors,
Confessor of the hanged and of conspirators,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
Adoptive father of those who, in his black anger,
God the Father chased from the earthly paradise,
Oh Satan, take pity on my long misery!
Unknown "♥My Angel♥" Evasive
- 16 years, 7 months, 16 days ago