Chapter Three:The Rookies!
"Enter." came the reply as Kakashi Hatake, a white haired Shinobi, knocked on the door. He opened it and allowed the Kagome, Sesshomaru, Kouga, Sango, Kirara, Miroku, and Shippo in. As they entered Kagome looked up and saw nine teenagers and two adults, all had those same headbands.
Kakashi went to go stand behind three of them. Of those three was that annoying Naruto kid, and the other two, one, a girl, had long pink hair and a red dress with white circles on the arms, the other one, a boy, had black spiky hair with a blue shirt with a high collar and tan shorts on.
The next group a woman was standing behind. She had long black hair and was wearing a very unusual looking dress. There were also three teens standing in front of her, two boys and a girl. The girl had black hair and…. White pupiless eyes? She had on a jacket and pants that ended mid-calf. The boy to her right also had a jacket on with his hood up, he had red markings on his face, and a dog in the front of his jacket. The last boy had spiky black hair and wore shades, he also wore a high collared white top.
The last group had a man with black hair and sideburns standing behind it. He had on the same kinda vest that Kakashi and those two men at the front gate had on. And he had a cigarette in his mouth. Of the three teens in front of him two were boys and the other one was a girl. One of the boys had his black hair up in a high spiky pony tail, had a small jacket on and a mesh shirt under it, he looked very bored. The other boy was…. Chubby, had spirals on his cheeks, redish-orange hair.
"Hello, I would like to introduce you guys to some people." said the blond with a purple diamond on her forehead, "This is Kakashi's team, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha." she said gesturing to Kakashi and the three in front of him.
"This is Kurenai's team, Kiba Inuzuka,Hinata Hyuuga, and Shino Aburame." Tsunade said gesturing to the woman and the three in front of her.
"This is Asuma's team, Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, and Choji Akimichi" she said gesturing to the last man and the three in front of him.
The group looked at them all in the face. "And these are Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, Kagome, Kouga, and Sesshomaru." she told the Shinobi. They all stared at them in the face also. Naruto had his face scrunched up.
"Aha! I knew I recognized you! You're those people from yesterday!" he exclaimed pointing a finger at them.
"Kagome can I kill him?" Kouga asked her. She looked at him.
"As tempting as that is, no." she told the wolf. He pouted.
Tsunade watched this interchange with intrest. Apparently Sesshomaru and Kagome were the ones in charge. She noted this and stored it away for later use.
"-and being here?" Tsunade heard Kagome finish saying. She realized she had missed the first part of the question.
"Repeat that please?" she calmly asked. She noticed Kakashi looking at her, she never missed a question.
"I asked what meeting these people had to do with us and our being here." Kagome said.
"Oh well, these nine chuunin-" Tsunade said fore she was interrupted.
"Chuunin? What do you mean by that?" Sango asked her.
"A chuunin is a class of ninja. They are regular Shinobi, the three standing behind them are jounin. A higher class of ninja, the elite." Tsunade told them all.
Where are these people from not knowing any of this?
She shook her head and looked at her strange guests. The white haired one was the strangest of them all. He had an air of authority about him but the others seemed to ignore it. One other thing she didn't get was how the tall one with his black hair in a pony tail, and the small one had tails. And how the cat had two tails instead of one, she had only heard of this occurances in myths of youkais.
She looked at her ninjas and dismissed them all. She turned back to them and as she was about to ask them something she saw the monk, Miroku, sauter up to her. She looked at him questioningly.
"Tsunade-sama, would you consider bearing-" BANG! Tsunade looked up surprised to see that the woman, Sango, had hit Miroku very hard on the head. She looked back and forth confused. Kagome was shaking her head, as was the cat and little boy. The other two men were looking on the scene as if they were amused.
"What was he going to ask me?" she asked Kagome. Kagome looked up and smiled nervously.
"He was going to ask what he asks every pretty lady, including me and Sango." she told her evasively.
Tsunade quirked an eyebrow at her, implying she wanted to know what he was going to ask.
"Which is?" she said. Looking at them all expectantly. Kagome and Sango looked at each other and Sango nodded and sighed heavily.
"He was going to ask you to bear his children." Kagome said meekly. BAM! Miroku went flying through the side of the building and out, falling towards the street. Tsunade stood there with her fist raised and a very pissed expression on her face. Kirara transformed in a burst of fire and jumped out of the building to catch Miroku before he fell to his death.
"Kagome, she's scary." Shippo said clinging to the woman who he saw as his mother. Kagome only nodded, to tell the truth she was actually slightly amused that someone other than her and Sango had yelled and punished Miroku for his ministrations.
"Sorry about that. Shizune!" Tsunade yelled. A petite black haired woman came in with a…pig following her.
"Yes Tsunade-sama?" the woman asked.
"Where the hell is Jiraiya? He was supposed to be here an hour ago!" The tempermental woman said.
"I don't know, milady." the woman told the other woman.
"Go find that sad excuse for a ninja will ya?" the woman requested, no commanded, the younger woman. She young woman only nodded and left the office.
Tsunade turned back to the remaining group standing before her. She sighed.
"What am I supposed to do with you? You appear out of no where, claim that you are from a country named Japan, claim that you execute demons everyday yet you are in the company of four of them at the moment, and that you have to find the shards of a sacred jewel called the Shikon no Tama? Do you have any idea how out of this world that sounds?" the woman told them all, shaking her head the same time. They all looked at each other and Sesshomaru cleared his throat and was about to speak when Kirara returned with an unconscious Miroku.
Hannah "my musume NFS"
- 14 years, 9 months, 23 days ago