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"my musume NFS"

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Hannah "my musume NFS" - 14 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
Hannah "my musume NFS" - 14 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
"Hey! Where'd he go?" Kouga asked. He sniffed the air and then whirled around just as Kagome gave a yelp. He ran over and grabbed the man by the neck and started squeezing.

"Hey, Hey man put me down! What did I do to you?" the man asked shaking his legs back and forth.

"You were messing with Kagome." Kouga said with narrowed eyes.

"And Sango." Miroku added. The man looked back and forth confused.

"Who?" he asked looking at the two of them.

"I'm Kagome. And my friend here is Sango." Kagome told the man.

He looked shocked, and then he smiled.

"I'm Jiraiya the Toad Sage." he said. The two women looked at each other and Sango opened her mouth to say something but before she could she and Kagome were grabbed and pulled out the door. They looked up and saw Kouga and Miroku glaring at the door as if daring the man to come out.

"I'ts 3:30 am" Miroku told them in explanation as to why they were there when Sango looked at him questioningly.

"It is?" Kagome asked looking at her watch.

The men nodded.

"Ok you guys go on ahead we'll get there." Kagome said. The two men looked skeptical but nodded and ran off towards the hotel. Kagome and Sango started walking towards that direction also, but stopped when they saw two men in black cloaks with red clouds on them.

"Hey who are they?" Kagome asked Sango.

"I don't know. Let's go ask." The woman replied and walked over to the two men, one of which had a huge sword strapped to his back.

"Hi there! Who are you guys? We're new here so we don't know everyone and awesome capes. Hey Kagome! Think your miko powers could make them white?" Sango called. Kagome looked at her, her eyes wide, and walked over.

"Sango! My powers aren't for bleaching cloth! They're for purifying demons, and pulling demons OUT of people!" Kagome chastised Sango.

"Sorry." Sango said. The two men watched this exchange with intrest when Sango said the word miko, and more so when Kagome said she could pull demons out of people.

"I am Kisame and this is Itachi U-" He started to say but stopped when Itachi shot Kisame a death glare as he was about to say his name.

"Our leader would be very happy to meet you. Would you like to come with us to meet him?" Itachi asked.

"What for?" Kagome asked.

"You are a miko correct?" Itachi asked and when Kagome nodded her head, continued, " We have been searching for someone with your kind of powers for a very long time." he finished.

"Sure. But we should probably run this by everyone else. Right sango?" Kagome said. Sango nodded her head and continued to peer suspiciously at Kisame, Kagome could see why, the man had sharp teeth, things under his eyes that looked like gills, and blueish grey skin. He did sorta look like a hanyou Kagome supposed.

They walked back to the hotel and Kagome noticed the two men looking nervous and glancing back and forth as if afraid someone would see them.

"I can make you guys invisible if you like." Kagome told the two looked shocked.

"You're that powerful?" asked Kisame. Kagome blinked, couldn't every priestess do that?

"Can't ever miko do that?" she asked the two men. They widened they're eyes and shook their head.

"So do you want me to make you invisible to all but us and our friends or don't you?" she repeated. They both nodded. She then nodded and stopped, closed her eyes, and gathered her powers at the end of her hands and shot the pink power towards the two men thinking all the while invisible.

"Ok let's go!" Kagome said. And started walking towards the hotel again. As they walked in the door, with the two men trailing them. The moment they walked through the door Kouga, Sesshomaru, and Miroku all stood up.

"Kagome! Sango! Get down! You're being followed!" Miroku said. Kagome and Sango looked at each other, confused.

"By who?" Kagome asked.

"The two men behind you!" Kouga replied.

"Oh! No no no we're not being followed we brought them here." Sango explained. The men looked skeptical but sat back down.

"Ok now these guys want to take us all to meet their leader….uh what's your leader's name Itachi?" Kagome asked.

"Pein." the man said.

"Pein." Kagome finished. She looked back to the two men for confirmation and they both nodded.

"Oh how rude of me! This is Itachi and Kisame. Itachi, Kisame these are Sesshomaru, Kouga, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara." Sango said. Pointing to each of them in turn.

"Shall we be going? We were do to return last night." Kisame said, "Oh and is Kagome the only one here with powers?" The shook their heads.

"Sesshomaru, Kouga, Shippo, and Kirara are demons, Miroku is a monk with a hole that sucks everything in, in his right hand, and Sango is, or was, a demon slayer." Kagome said. The two men looked shocked.

"Lead the way!" Sango said. And they all walked out, following the two invisible men.
Hannah "my musume NFS" - 14 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
Chapter Four: The Pervy Sage makes a move.

Kagome was in a hot spring. ROAR! She heard something coming at her, fast. She looked over and saw a very large, ugly demon. It hadn't spotted her yet. She made a move to get out of the water to grab her bow and arrows. But the demon heard her and turned towards her. He walked slowly up to her. He bent down and picked her up as she tried to grab her bow yet again.

Kagome woke screaming and breathing heavily.

"Kagome! What's wrong? You were screaming!" She subconsciously noted Kouga asking. She was still reeling from the dream. What did it mean? Was it a vision? Or was it just a dream?

"Kagome? Kagome! Did you hear me?" She heard Koga asking her anxiously

"Huh? What you say?" She asked the young wolf, confused.

"I asked you what was wrong." he told her worriedly.

"Oh, nothing really just a nightmare." she said.

"Ok." Kouga said, he wasn't sure if he should believe her or not.

They had fled Tsunade's office the day before when Kirara brought Miroku, who was just fine now, in under the excuse of tending to their fallen comrade. Today they were going to explore the village and see what all there was to do.

"You guys ready? Kagome, why aren't you dressed?" Shippo said coming in the door.

The young miko laughed, "Ok, ok I'll go get dressed now. All males out of this room!" she commanded. They all left, though Miroku left reluctantly. She sighed and went to the closet.

"Hey Kagome, what do you think of this outfit?" Sango asked. Kagome turned around and saw Sango wearing a very short black leather skirt, grey leggings, knee high boots, a pink shirt that barely covered her belly button and had the head of a black cat on it, and a hat that was pulled to the side.

"Wow." was all kagome could think to say. She returned to browsing the closet. Sango came up next to her and pulled out a black leather vest that didn't even reach her belly button, a black leather skirt that went midthigh, fishnets, thigh high boots, a black leather barrette, (did I spell that right?), and large hoop earings. Kagome looked at the outfit doubtful.

We'll have to make the boys match our outfits, the miko thought to herself, grinning.

"Ok! But the boys have to match! Well male wise anyway." Kagome said laughing. Sango grinned and shook her head. Kagome put the outfit on and together they called the guys back into the room. They looked at each other and then grinned evilly at the men.

"What are you looking at us like that for?" Miroku asked them cautiously, not noticing what they were wearing for once.

"You have to match us! We can't go out looking awesome and then go and be disgraced by you guys looking like that." Kagome said. All four males audibly gulped.

"Ok! Sesshomaru first!" Sango declared. The Inu youkai looked put out.

"I will not stand for this type of treatment from you humans." he said.

"Oh yes you will if you don't want to get your butt purified." Kagome said. That shut him up. Instead he settled for glaring daggers at them. They grinned at each other and went over to the closet. They started sifting through it.

"Aha!" Sango said pulling out a white shirt that said ice king on it in silver. She threw it to Sesshomaru and ordered him to try it on. He went behind a screen to do so. Kagome and Sango looked at each other and rolled there eyes, then turned back to the closet and searchin for pants to go with the shirt. Soon Kagome found a pair of white and silver pants that would go perfectly with the shirt. She threw them over the screen that Sesshomaru was standing behind and ordered him to put them on and then come out with the whole outfit on. He came out from behind the screen and stood in front of the two women. They smiled at each other and Kagome turned around and picked up a pair of white sneakers.

"See if those will fit you." She told him. He glared at her harder. She only grinned at him. He sat down and put them on.

"Muah! Perfect, its sooooo him! Right Kagome?" Sango asked Kagome. She nodded, smirking.

"Wait! We just can't leave his hair like that! Something must be done!" Kagome said. Sango looked at the demon lord contemplatively and then nodded.

"We should either cut it-"

"You will do know such thing wench." came the cold reply but Sango was not deterred.

"Or we could put it in a pony tail." Sango finished. Kagome nodded in agreement. She looked around and finally found an ice blue holder and ordered the ice king to put his hair in pony tail. He glared at her but complied.

"Ok we're finished!" Sango declared. Kagome nodded in agreement.

"Miroku next." Kagome said. And pulled Miroku into the room. He noticed only then what the two women were wearing and he gaped at them. They ordered the monk to sit and went back to the lovely closet.

Not long after they began rummaging through the closet did Kagome find a black shirt that had a red skull on it. She pulled it out and showed it to Sango, looking at her questioningly. Sango looked at it, grinned, and nodded. Kagome threw it at Miroku and ordered him to put it on. He obliged happily. Sango found a pair of pants that looked like it had red blood running down the side of one of the legs, and threw it at Miroku grinning. He put those on also, sighing. Kagome then proceeded to find black and red sneakers and threw them at Miroku, also. He put them on and Kagome sneaked up behind him and pulled his hair out of the usual pony tail he had it in. Sango nodded her approval.

It was Kouga's turn.

"Oh Kouga. It's your turn." Kagome said. The wolf gulped. She dragged him into her and Sango's part of the room where they had had everybody else. She looked at the wolf and then walked up to him and pulled his leather headband off and his ponytail out, and put it in again, but lower this time. And then walked over to the closet where Sango was rummaging through. She found a shirt that had a black and a white wolf on the front running throug a field of snow, on a black background. And Sango found a pair of black pants with a silver chain attached to it. Kagome found a pair of black combat boots and gave them to him to wear. He changed into them and the two women looked at each other and both nodded approvingly.

Time for Shippo!

They both looked at the little Kitsune kit that was waiting nervously after seeing the other three males come out. Kagome lifted him up and hauled him over to their closet and sat him down. Kagome was so happy that they had gone out yesterday and bought these clothes for them all. Sango lifted up a shirt that said 'Sorry bout you girlfriend man but she is hot!' in black on a white background. And Kagome found white pants to go with them.

"Ok! We're ready for a night on the town let's go!" Kagome said happily. Grabbing Sesshomaru and Kouga by the hand and dragging them out of the room. Suddenly she was jerked back. She looked back towards the two men she had been dragging down the hallway, and saw that Kouga was looking blissful, but Sesshomaru had stopped and was glaring at her. Kagome smiled at him and sent some of her miko powers to the hand that had a hold of Sesshomaru. He growled at her when the miko powers started burning the flesh slowly away from his skin, revealing muscle and bone. He glared at her harder, and she smiled sweetly back at him. And then, again using her powers, healed his hand. And resumed dragging the two men down the hallway and out the door. She stopped and waited for Sango, Miroku, and Shippo, oh Kirara was coming too.

"Thanks for waiting up!" Sango called from the hotel doorway. Again Kagome reminded herself to thank Tsunade for supplying them with money. The two women led the way into the downtown.

"Ok we all meet back at the hotel by 3:00 in the morning. Ok?" Kagome asked them all. They all nodded and went there own ways. Kagome, Sango, and Kirara went together, Miroku and Shippo went together. And Sesshomaru and Kouga went alone.

"Hey Kirara why don't you go play?" Sango told the cat. Kirara nodded and ran off.

"Ok so where to first?" Kagome asked the young demon slayer.

"Hm. I know! Let's go check out th
Hannah "my musume NFS" - 14 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
Chapter Three:The Rookies!

"Enter." came the reply as Kakashi Hatake, a white haired Shinobi, knocked on the door. He opened it and allowed the Kagome, Sesshomaru, Kouga, Sango, Kirara, Miroku, and Shippo in. As they entered Kagome looked up and saw nine teenagers and two adults, all had those same headbands.

Kakashi went to go stand behind three of them. Of those three was that annoying Naruto kid, and the other two, one, a girl, had long pink hair and a red dress with white circles on the arms, the other one, a boy, had black spiky hair with a blue shirt with a high collar and tan shorts on.

The next group a woman was standing behind. She had long black hair and was wearing a very unusual looking dress. There were also three teens standing in front of her, two boys and a girl. The girl had black hair and…. White pupiless eyes? She had on a jacket and pants that ended mid-calf. The boy to her right also had a jacket on with his hood up, he had red markings on his face, and a dog in the front of his jacket. The last boy had spiky black hair and wore shades, he also wore a high collared white top.

The last group had a man with black hair and sideburns standing behind it. He had on the same kinda vest that Kakashi and those two men at the front gate had on. And he had a cigarette in his mouth. Of the three teens in front of him two were boys and the other one was a girl. One of the boys had his black hair up in a high spiky pony tail, had a small jacket on and a mesh shirt under it, he looked very bored. The other boy was…. Chubby, had spirals on his cheeks, redish-orange hair.

"Hello, I would like to introduce you guys to some people." said the blond with a purple diamond on her forehead, "This is Kakashi's team, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha." she said gesturing to Kakashi and the three in front of him.

"This is Kurenai's team, Kiba Inuzuka,Hinata Hyuuga, and Shino Aburame." Tsunade said gesturing to the woman and the three in front of her.

"This is Asuma's team, Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, and Choji Akimichi" she said gesturing to the last man and the three in front of him.

The group looked at them all in the face. "And these are Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, Kagome, Kouga, and Sesshomaru." she told the Shinobi. They all stared at them in the face also. Naruto had his face scrunched up.

"Aha! I knew I recognized you! You're those people from yesterday!" he exclaimed pointing a finger at them.

"Kagome can I kill him?" Kouga asked her. She looked at him.

"As tempting as that is, no." she told the wolf. He pouted.


Tsunade watched this interchange with intrest. Apparently Sesshomaru and Kagome were the ones in charge. She noted this and stored it away for later use.

"-and being here?" Tsunade heard Kagome finish saying. She realized she had missed the first part of the question.

"Repeat that please?" she calmly asked. She noticed Kakashi looking at her, she never missed a question.

"I asked what meeting these people had to do with us and our being here." Kagome said.

"Oh well, these nine chuunin-" Tsunade said fore she was interrupted.

"Chuunin? What do you mean by that?" Sango asked her.

"A chuunin is a class of ninja. They are regular Shinobi, the three standing behind them are jounin. A higher class of ninja, the elite." Tsunade told them all.

Where are these people from not knowing any of this?

She shook her head and looked at her strange guests. The white haired one was the strangest of them all. He had an air of authority about him but the others seemed to ignore it. One other thing she didn't get was how the tall one with his black hair in a pony tail, and the small one had tails. And how the cat had two tails instead of one, she had only heard of this occurances in myths of youkais.

She looked at her ninjas and dismissed them all. She turned back to them and as she was about to ask them something she saw the monk, Miroku, sauter up to her. She looked at him questioningly.

"Tsunade-sama, would you consider bearing-" BANG! Tsunade looked up surprised to see that the woman, Sango, had hit Miroku very hard on the head. She looked back and forth confused. Kagome was shaking her head, as was the cat and little boy. The other two men were looking on the scene as if they were amused.

"What was he going to ask me?" she asked Kagome. Kagome looked up and smiled nervously.

"He was going to ask what he asks every pretty lady, including me and Sango." she told her evasively.

Tsunade quirked an eyebrow at her, implying she wanted to know what he was going to ask.

"Which is?" she said. Looking at them all expectantly. Kagome and Sango looked at each other and Sango nodded and sighed heavily.

"He was going to ask you to bear his children." Kagome said meekly. BAM! Miroku went flying through the side of the building and out, falling towards the street. Tsunade stood there with her fist raised and a very pissed expression on her face. Kirara transformed in a burst of fire and jumped out of the building to catch Miroku before he fell to his death.

"Kagome, she's scary." Shippo said clinging to the woman who he saw as his mother. Kagome only nodded, to tell the truth she was actually slightly amused that someone other than her and Sango had yelled and punished Miroku for his ministrations.

"Sorry about that. Shizune!" Tsunade yelled. A petite black haired woman came in with a…pig following her.

"Yes Tsunade-sama?" the woman asked.

"Where the hell is Jiraiya? He was supposed to be here an hour ago!" The tempermental woman said.

"I don't know, milady." the woman told the other woman.

"Go find that sad excuse for a ninja will ya?" the woman requested, no commanded, the younger woman. She young woman only nodded and left the office.

Tsunade turned back to the remaining group standing before her. She sighed.

"What am I supposed to do with you? You appear out of no where, claim that you are from a country named Japan, claim that you execute demons everyday yet you are in the company of four of them at the moment, and that you have to find the shards of a sacred jewel called the Shikon no Tama? Do you have any idea how out of this world that sounds?" the woman told them all, shaking her head the same time. They all looked at each other and Sesshomaru cleared his throat and was about to speak when Kirara returned with an unconscious Miroku.
Hannah "my musume NFS" - 14 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
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