Ashly Heidi
10:30pm May 12th
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hey hun, i recieved you friend request and I just wanted to tell you once we have been talking abit and gotten to know each other a bit better I will be glad to except it k♥
Jessica Guerrero
10:55pm May 12th
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ok, I'm really sorry for adding you too soon I guess. I didn't anticipate that reaction from someone from HP, but I guess it's your choice to decide what friends you want to have...
Just so you know, though, I won't be adding you again because there's no way for me to know if you'll feel ready to accept another invite of mine or not, so I just wanna earn myself another round to make myself feel stupid and rejected again :) so if you ever wanna add me, be my guest to do the adding yourself :)
Ashly Heidi
11:10pm May 12th
dont feel stupid hehehe... i just have tons of stuff on my fb prof, that I like to censor who sees it and who doesnt, as long as we establish and maintain some kind of relationship on a bit more of a personal level I will be happy to add you k.... no worries.. we are still just strangers yet....
Jessica Guerrero
Today at 12:11am
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yea, I also want to have personal relationships. I dont' like it how most people in HP only want superficial relationships and they never really answer back messages that I may send them, even being my fb friends, so I understand that part perfectly. I find the idleness of an fb friend to talk or reply to me to be rather frustrating, but I also dislike the other side of the spectrum when people get overprotective on me like I was some socially unacceptable person. As I come from a hispanic nation where people don't overworry about "confort zone" "personal space" and all that bullshit I kinda get really pissed at americans when they reserve themselves from me on those grounds, but I guess my telling you about this point of view is like talking to you in Chinese, since you're american.
Well, if you have any questions for me or if there's something you want to talk to me about I'll be here for you. I won't ask any questions myself becuase I see that my scummy monstrous stranger identity is giving you pale skin, which would make any further attempts to ask you questions or befriend you rather pointless.
kisses you,
Ashly Heidi
Today at 9:20am
umm, im canadian....
Jessica Guerrero
Today at 4:40pm
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you know what? I don't think this is gonna work out. First you reject my add, and then you just keep on ignoring me like I was a nobody? way to show that you actually want friends, liar!
and don't talk to me anymore. We're done here.
THE END!!! Hope you had your self a chuckle, I sure did,..
Ash tastic "ash'd" so much Drama so little time ♥
- 16 years, 10 months, 20 days ago