
"Forbidden Fruit"
Anexia's tales
More photos of my current auction item:
Anexia Reinkei "Forbidden Fruit" Loyal
- 16 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Here are a few pictures I took over the week:
Anexia Reinkei "Forbidden Fruit" Loyal
- 16 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
New Auction!These are some more photos of my plush cell charm auction. I spent a LOT of time making this and the countless other I have made. I do take requests if you'd like something different. I sell these on other sites for cash and thought, why not sell a few on here? well happy bidding!!
P.S. Anything under 125k is donation. OH and I always send little surprises with my auctions.
Anexia Reinkei "Forbidden Fruit" Loyal
- 16 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
1. Say something about ur lovelife. ~Hmm, has potential..but I'm lacking the motivation to bother with it. . 2. Fave song/s as of now? ~Haru Haru by Big Bang . 3. Fave TV show as of now? ~Shugo Chara (Doki) . 4. Last movie you saw? ~Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (Great movie) . 5. Most expensive object you bought with your own money? ~Hmm My LCD Flatscreen computer monitor I think. . 6. Cigar or beer? ~Neither please? Hand me the vodka over there or better yet, a glass of water. . 7. What happened last night? ~Did some shopping with friends, came home, talked with Jeremy, went to sleep. Not very eventful. . 8. Have u ever fallen in love with a friend? ~No I haven't. . 9. What song is currently playing? ~Miyavi - Ossan ossan Ore nanbo (I love that man's music) . 12. Crush? ~Ehh..no crushes for me thanks. . 13. Which do u prefer? Jollibee or McDo? ~Joli what? lol Neither? . 14. Favorite sport/s? ~Football (watching), Volleyball (playing) . 15. Ever broken someones heart?. ~So I'm told. . 16. Ever had your heart broken? ~In a way, sure? . 17. What did you do to the person who broke your heart? ~Well, nothing. He didn't really break it. But I did stop all contact with him.
Part II: 1. Any problem?. ~I can't shake off this stomach pain. . 2. Your main ringtone? ~Some techy tune.l . 3. What were you doing at 12am last night? ~Talking with Jeremyl . 4. Who was the last person(s) you went out with? Where? ~Nick and Ashley to the Dollar Store and Walmart. . 5. Color of the shirt you`re wearing now? ~Black tanktop . 6. The last thing you did? ~Choosing a song to listen to. (Miyavi - What a wonderful world) . 7. Three of your favorite items? ~Favorite? Probably my Shojo Beat mags, Plush Cell Creations I make, My designs. . 8. The color of your bedroom? ~White. I like the simplicity. :]
9. what's in ur wallet? ~Credit Card, Bank Card, Money, ID, Food Card, Receipts. . 10. How's life? ~Simple, I want to begin a few more things right now.
Good Night :]
Anexia Reinkei "Forbidden Fruit" Loyal
- 16 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
More Pictures Of Auctions Going UpHave any questions? Leave me a message :]
Anexia Reinkei "Forbidden Fruit" Loyal
- 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Sin Droid
-Bows- Welcome to my shop Everything in the store is only 225 Pts!
Enjoy :]
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