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Anexia Reinkei | - Free online hangout and friends
Khmai Cloud
Khmai Cloud owns this human at 103319 points.

Anexia Reinkei
Anexia Reinkei
"Forbidden Fruit"

Anexia Reinkei
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Seattle Techno Herd, BIG BANG Fan Herd, LEGEND------------------DARY!!!!
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Anexia Reinkei
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Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei
Anexia Reinkei "Forbidden Fruit" Loyal - 16 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Anexia Reinkei
Here are a few pictures I took over the week:

Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei
Anexia Reinkei "Forbidden Fruit" Loyal - 16 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
Anexia Reinkei
New Auction!

These are some more photos of my plush cell charm auction. I spent a LOT of time making this and the countless other I have made. I do take requests if you'd like something different. I sell these on other sites for cash and thought, why not sell a few on here? well happy bidding!!

P.S. Anything under 125k is donation. OH and I always send little surprises with my auctions.
Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei
Anexia Reinkei "Forbidden Fruit" Loyal - 16 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
Anexia Reinkei
1. Say something about ur lovelife.
~Hmm, has potential..but I'm lacking the motivation to bother with it.
2. Fave song/s as of now?
~Haru Haru by Big Bang
3. Fave TV show as of now?
~Shugo Chara (Doki)
4. Last movie you saw?
~Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (Great movie)
5. Most expensive object you bought with your own money?
~Hmm My LCD Flatscreen computer monitor I think.
6. Cigar or beer?
~Neither please? Hand me the vodka over there or better yet, a glass of water.
7. What happened last night?
~Did some shopping with friends, came home, talked with Jeremy, went to sleep. Not very eventful.
8. Have u ever fallen in love with a friend?
~No I haven't.
9. What song is currently playing?
~Miyavi - Ossan ossan Ore nanbo (I love that man's music)
12. Crush? crushes for me thanks.
13. Which do u prefer? Jollibee or McDo?
~Joli what? lol Neither?
14. Favorite sport/s?
~Football (watching), Volleyball (playing)
15. Ever broken someones heart?.
~So I'm told.
16. Ever had your heart broken?
~In a way, sure?
17. What did you do to the person who broke your heart?
~Well, nothing. He didn't really break it. But I did stop all contact with him.

Part II:
1. Any problem?.
~I can't shake off this stomach pain.
2. Your main ringtone?
~Some techy tune.l
3. What were you doing at 12am last night?
~Talking with Jeremyl
4. Who was the last person(s) you went out with? Where?
~Nick and Ashley to the Dollar Store and Walmart.
5. Color of the shirt you`re wearing now?
~Black tanktop
6. The last thing you did?
~Choosing a song to listen to. (Miyavi - What a wonderful world)
7. Three of your favorite items?
~Favorite? Probably my Shojo Beat mags, Plush Cell Creations I make, My designs.
8. The color of your bedroom?
~White. I like the simplicity. :]

9. what's in ur wallet?
~Credit Card, Bank Card, Money, ID, Food Card, Receipts.
10. How's life?
~Simple, I want to begin a few more things right now.


Good Night :]

Anexia Reinkei
Anexia Reinkei "Forbidden Fruit" Loyal - 16 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
Anexia Reinkei
More Pictures Of Auctions Going Up

Have any questions? Leave me a message :]
Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei Anexia Reinkei
Anexia Reinkei "Forbidden Fruit" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
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Khmai Cloud
LOL just brought you again Anexia ... well hows it going? havent talk to you on here like month's hahaha well just stoping by to say Hi..... soooo HI lol :)
Khmai Cloud "My Moon Lit Huny" Adventurous - 15 years, 2 months, 8 days ago
Khmai Cloud

a pet chocobo You have been given a pet chocobo.
Crafted by CYBER AKUMA
Khmai Cloud "My Moon Lit Huny" Adventurous - 15 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
Khmai Cloud

Knock Knock You have been given Knock Knock.
Crafted by Nicole Marie
Khmai Cloud "My Moon Lit Huny" Adventurous - 16 years, 12 days ago
Pierre Lazarus
I will have my way You have been given I will have my way.
Crafted by Jayme
Pierre Lazarus "The First" Feisty - 16 years, 15 days ago

Serenity You have been given Serenity.
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themistoklis "♥ SweetHeart " Inspired - 16 years, 23 days ago
Joey Vo
Joey Vo *gone from hp* - 16 years, 24 days ago
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Anexia's shop
Sin Droid

-Bows- Welcome to my shop
Everything in the store is only 225 Pts!

Enjoy :]

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