
Androo's tales
 Gilles Marini Most people would known him as Dante - the hot hunk that caught Samantha (Sex And The City) checking him out, while he was taking a shower!
Well, Gilles Marini is now one of the stars performing on Dancing With The Stars, this season! AND, you guessed it - he's my pick to win it! There's only been one show, but he is definately my favourite! Had Jewel not had withdrew from the competition, I think she would have been my pick ... but HELLO GILLES <3 My heart goes all kinds of pitter patter!
Androo "dreamer" Bored!
- 16 years, 21 days ago
Bob Harper Since the beginning of The Biggest Loser on NBC, Bob Harper has been doing more than steaming up my television screen with his good looks and charm!
Every week, when I tune into Biggest Loser, I watch Bob push the contestants to their limits ... and I feel for the contestants ... but I also envy them!
When I watch Bob doing what he does best, being a trainer, I can't help but feel inspired by him. I feel as though I want to run out to the gym and begin my own little workout session! And I think I'll be starting just that, and doing so real soon!
Ohh, isn't he just dreamy? God, I wish I had something that good lookin' laying beside me, :)
Androo "dreamer" Bored!
- 16 years, 28 days ago
 Tabitha Coffey The newest addition to my list of heroes!
Androo "dreamer" Bored!
- 16 years, 29 days ago
Sign pictures from the mens <3 Antony <3 (Still my favourite sign pic yet ... you're awesome!) Andy <3 Danny <3 Nice arm ;)
Androo "dreamer" Bored!
- 16 years, 1 month ago
Sign pictures from the ladies <3 Andrea <3 Lai <3 Morgan <3 Li <3
Androo "dreamer" Bored!
- 16 years, 1 month ago
Droo's Boutique of Shiat
I don't know. Just enjoy??
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