A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, there was a girl named "glass". she was nicknamed as "glass the ugly". She was being humiliated all the time about her ugliness... her huge nose and chin or all the hair on her chin and nose or her major eyebrows were thought to be ugly and funny by everyone...
One day she thought "enough! i must do something about this" and she went to the number one witch in her galaxy... The witch said, there was only one way for her to get rid of her ugliness, and that was to go to a place called earth, where she could be treated by doctor Christian Troy. so she got into a molecular transportation capsule and travelled millions of light years into this planet. When she came and see doctor Christian Troy, his reaction was: "omg what an ugliness...", and he ran away saying "go to doctor house, he cures anything!". so did end the serries "nip-tuck".
So our ugly Glass went to find doctor House... But he also was scared, throw his cane and doctor Wilson on Glass and he to escaped... which ended the amazing series "house m.d"
while cristal chasing the doctor, superman saw her chasing an innocent person, so he decided to put her in a place she cant scare any man...
he picked up Glass and started flying... on the skies above transilvania he got tired of seeing her face and dropped her on a castle, where count dracula lived. And he ruturned back to krypton ending any superman movie or series, including smallville(thank god)
After dusk dracula woke up and the first thing he saw was Glass' ugliness so he decided to sleep forever. So ended the legend of vampires...
There she found a guy named Michael scofield, and since there was nowhere to run, he chose to help her escape from the castle... Becouse of the complexity of the escape plan, which was caused by draculas bite on scofields tattoos, cristal got confused digging the tunel and got to a place called"the island". Becouse of his mistake michael felt so bad that he ended his own life, so did the series prison break.
A good doctor jack tried to help her there, but the island couldnt resist her ugliness and send her to a place in the middle of nowhere. and exploded itsself. so ended the series lost....
so glass started walking. on her journey, she saw lots of monsters and superheroes of hollywood. she scared frankenstein, werewolves, batman and many other imaginary scary heroes on every place she visited... all of them either escaped to another world or commited suicide not to see her again...
on her journey, he stopped in a city named istanbul, everone that heard she was coming to town already ran away.. so while she was wondering around in her ugliness and sadness. there she saw a guy named Alp, who wasnt able to escape, becouse he has been sleeping... she ran and cought the guy. the guy was sleeping so peaceful, she couldnt resist and kissed him on his lips...
Glass was actualy didnt need plastic surgery, but she was under a strong and bad magic.
there was a magical explosion. and the "ugly glass" turned into "beautiful cristal". alp woke up and was amazed how lucky he was to be kissed by such a beauty...
he said, lets go home and have a few drinks...
when they got in alp's home, he said:“Why don’t you kick your shoes off while I go get comfortable.”
So did Cristal and prop her feet up on the coffee table. he calls from the other room, “What would you like to drink?”
“Got any hard stuff?” she answered.
“I can mix us up something. I’ll surprise you,” was his response.
when he came back into the room with their drinks. he definitely got comfortable. Alp was wearing a wet white cropped T-shirt and a pair of really hot shorts. There was no question of what he was wearing under the top or shorts. it was disgusting!!!
At that point cristal said: "i remember these happened before". Alp answered:"it's called dejavu baby!" and started kissing her...
but cristal didn't like him. and said: "i just used you to get rid of my ugliness, but you are not my type". so she left alp crying and...................
to be continued if i fancy:)
Picture 1: Ugly Glass
Picture 2: Beautiful Cristal
- 15 years, 7 months, 25 days ago