
"All my love"
Talitha's tales
I dont know what to do i dont know who to talk to. I wish i knew how to feel about it but i dont. As i look at the pictures of her my mind is telling me she's his but my heart wants to beleive shes not. I know it was before me but it still hurts all the same he could have a child. She has a chin and eyes just like his.I just wish I knew.. no one seems to be able to give me piece of mind and as i sit here all i can wonder is, is she his. Im scared, i dont want it to change us but it will change us if not break us. All i can hope is that god proves me wrong and we come out of this stronger then ever ready to take on the world one more time.
Talitha "All my love" Loyal
- 15 years, 9 months, 5 days ago
Some how it always hurts when one is lost. It has happened 10-15 times in my life time oddly more then any one person would ever experience in one life. I on the other hand average one a year or every other year. This past year was a bit more then the norm, 4. With in the course of one years time i have attended 2 funerals with 4 deaths. Its sad really I should be numb by now. It hurts just as bad as the first one
Talitha "All my love" Loyal
- 16 years, 25 days ago
Its sad that the only one perosn that i feel that i can talk to is the one person i cant talk to. He's the only one that i think knows what im going through, but yet i can't talk to him about him thus I sit alone. I remain alone. Who knows when I will have this great breakthrough within my solitary confindment.
Talitha "All my love" Loyal
- 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
I want to forget, I need to forget just to remain sane; but every where i turn there is a constant reminder of what i have lost. Why is this haunting me. It taunts me with old views and words of once happier times. FUCK I HATE THIS!! NEVER AGAIN...
Talitha "All my love" Loyal
- 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
I've come to find that once you love someone that love never dies. Even if their love for you does. To think that they are happy without you makes you want to crawl up into a ball a die. Knowing that they have moved on only a few days after breaking your heart is the most painful of all. To them it may have been over a long time ago but to you the wound is fresh and deep. But some how they pour salt in it without even knowing. Never thought that one day I would let a person get so close only to have them rip their love away from me. Then be so carefree as if I never existed. Being friends with someone you love I really dont think its possilbe. When you see them all you want to do is hold them, kiss them and tell you love them. Friendship maybe an impossibilty what we once had has gone. And never shall be regaind I know this now and hopeing that I can move on knowing that i never will its all to much that i choose not to deal and pretend as if you are still here with me, loving me and being happy with me. I already know that reality needs to set in but its not as easy for me as it is for you. Your not in love your new found old friend. Love that has burned for many a year only to be extingusied by one who never really wanted it.
Talitha "All my love" Loyal
- 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
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