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Busy, busy, as usual. Working. It never ends.

I got into the PlayStation Home closed beta at the end of November. It's kewl, but there's not a whole lot to do yet. Bowling was fun and the newly opened Uncharted and Farcry 2 areas are pretty neat. Right now extras for your avatar and house cost real money (ex. 49 cents for a shirt), but there are rumors that earning trophies will get you currency in the future. Hope those rumors are true. Haven't played anything in a while except Alone in the Dark: Inferno. I did get a bluetooth headset for PS3/cellphone/etc. And I love that the PS3 is compatible with most peripherals you'd get for other electronics, so I can also use my computer's mouse and keyboard with it (of course I use my PS3 controllers on my PC as well). Go Sony for doing something that's really helpful.

Mostly I've been working with my 3D models again in my free time. Working on my wood elf, Sarovanya. He's got a lot of scars from vicious dark elves so I'm working on those wounds and scars. Here's two quick renders of my progress. One of his facial scar, the other an in-progress of the wounds.

Unknown Unknown
Unknown "Tigress" Sparkling - 16 years, 2 months, 16 days ago
I'm back after a long hiatus. Moved into a new apartment which I love. It's decorated with my artwork and video game posters. I've got forest for my front yard and can easily watch animals outside. It's nice, quiet and peaceful. If possible, I'll stay here as long as I'm in State College.

I finally got my PS3 I'd been dying for. It's more than I had even imagined. I've been playing everything on that system lately, even my PS2 and PS1 games. I've streamed video of the latest episodes of House MD that I'd missed, and rented 10,000 BC from the PSStore (though the movie was lousy). So far I'd have to say my favorite PS3 game is Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Hella good game, like playing in an Indiana Jones movie (and would've made a better one than The Crystal Skulls). I'm currently playing Folklore which has certainly been fun thus far. I hope that more games will also take advantage of the sixaxis like Folklore and Lair. I can't wait for Alone in the Dark on PS3. X3 I'll def play through that as soon as I pick it up. I've also started replaying Max Payne since my copy kept freezing up my PS2 so I never got very far.

I don't have any plans for a Halloween costume this year. **surprise** I'll probably recycle Jill Valentine if need be. Maybe try to find a black mini skirt and do the RE3 outfit this time, though I am running out of time.

Work's been really busy which has kept me away from most things. Busiest time for new game releases and, of course, Christmas shopping. I seriously think I'll need a vacation after the holiday season is over this year.
Unknown "Tigress" Sparkling - 16 years, 4 months, 18 days ago
The Alone in the Dark obsession continues. So I rendered Carnby in DAZ Studio based on the artist's rendition on the box art. Scar painted in Photoshop.
Unknown "Tigress" Sparkling - 16 years, 8 months, 11 days ago
So the fifth installment of Alone in the Dark hit stores yesterday, and thus far I am very pleased. Bought it for PS2 so the graphics aren't as good as they'd be on PC and the next gen consoles, but the environments are still beautiful. Gameplay reminds me a lot of the Prince of Persia games, climbing walls/ropes, jumping gaps in the floor, etc. The fire doesn't consume things the way it does in the next-gen version, but it still creeps along walls/floors/ceilings and leaves burn marks there. Thus far, the gun has been pretty useless, but killing zombies is much more fun using a car, chair, fire extinguisher or whatever else you might pick up anyway. It's very different for a survival horror game, even has driving (IE racing away from persistent monsters). I like it though and I'm glad to see the series that started the genre reinventing it. Long live Edward Carnby!
Unknown "Tigress" Sparkling - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Got promoted to Assistant Manager at work two weeks ago. It's good experience and ok pay, but damn it's a lot of work. It's keeping me really busy atm. But with any luck I'll have a PS3 by the end of August. X3
Unknown "Tigress" Sparkling - 16 years, 8 months, 22 days ago
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Jason A Thornton
No Prob
Lollipops You have been given Lollipops.
Crafted by Nunn Chuapibul
Jason A Thornton "Dark Angel" Lazy - 16 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
Jason A Thornton

*Wink*Wink* You have been given *Wink*Wink*.
Crafted by Staci J
Jason A Thornton "Dark Angel" Lazy - 16 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
Jason A Thornton

Luv your pics You have been given Luv your pics.
Crafted by Taquita Jeffries
Jason A Thornton "Dark Angel" Lazy - 16 years, 1 month, 5 days ago
James Diffin
Those 3D models are really good,thats like a personal project,not a character on PS Home right?I cant figure that thing out,perhaps i will get around to it soon,the way your charged for clothes and stuff is a bit off putting,as if Sony didnt gorge themselves enough on our money as it is¬! lol
You have been given A Wookie hug.
Crafted by Unknown
James Diffin "My Old Account" - 16 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
Jason A Thornton

You have been given konichiwa.
Crafted by Nicole Marie
Jason A Thornton "Dark Angel" Lazy - 16 years, 1 month, 12 days ago

You have been given Christmas rose for you.
Crafted by not living anymore
GrayAntiMatter "big tit fan" Rabid - 16 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
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