"Smiling Gem"LOTS OF <3 FOR 09 FOR ALL OF
- 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
Hola Sergio I've been ill again and haven't had chance to go out and out the numbers on, but that could be a good thing. Glad your team won, I knew they would. Plans for the weekend, well I'm going to my friends, nephews 18th this evening so if the flu can hold off it should be a good night. Tomorrow I'm going to a Bonfire, its tradition in England (I don't know if you've heard of it). 5th November is celebrated by us folks to remember when Guy Fawkes and his men planned to blow up the houses of parliament in 1605, they where caught and of course it never happened, they were executed by means of being hung drawn and quartered. As a result we celebrate this day as kind of a thanks giving for the event not taking place, we make replica Guy Fawkes and place them on top of the Bonfire which is then set alight and we also watch fireworks. So what are your plans this weekend?
- 16 years, 4 months, 5 days ago
Hola Thanks yeah feeling better. I took the liberty of sending you some luck for you and your team. They are going to win win win from now on. Thanks for the numbers I have also grabbed some luck for myself so lets hope it works on them numbers.
- 16 years, 4 months, 20 days ago
Hola Sorry about your team losing, its never nice to see yoru team lose and I know how we feel about football (soccer if your american) over here, we never get over it, until they win there next big game of course. Yeah I'm feeling a lot better thank you and looking forward to the weekend, nice to see the family together. O.k. you pick my 6 lottery numbers and I will place a ticket tomorrow, if you send them in time otherwise will do it next week, and if I win the jackpot, I'll buy you a ticket to England for a holiday and show you the sites.
- 16 years, 4 months, 21 days ago