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Unknown's tales
She continues...

…it is the season to be giving… and She is the giving type!!!

She takes advantage… Her curiosity fed by yours, introduces new exciting ideas to Her hunger for lust!!! Your new challenge?... To identify and locate your first gift… “Hmmm…What could it be?... Where can I find it?...”

As She patiently watches you search for this mysterious gift… Her first layer of clothing drops to the floor… She is making Her way to a chair… A chair in which you have had visualizations… visualizations that might become realizations!!!... But solely on the findings of the gift, as it is the challenge you have been given…Stay focused!!! Her sexual appetite taking over… Aroused by the thought of coitus… She continues to undress Herself. She is expecting the unexpected… What is the request in question? She wonders! Suspense is emerging…

Sinful thoughts?... Her skin begins to get clammy…Her heart starts racing…and Her breathing is getting deeper and deeper!… Stimulated by Her body language…The sensual feelings are crawling up your spine, creating an eagerness of finding that gift. Your motivation… your thirst for ecstasy!!!

From afar, every now and then, you glimpse at Her … You notice Her hands have begun to caress Her own body… You do not stare, as you do not want to Her to stop… She is getting more and more… Hmmm!!! … “Where is that gift?” you ask yourself.

Sacrificing your temptations, intensifying your desires… Suddenly, you find this mysterious gift… It is a blue box with your name on it… It is now in your possession, therefore holding a power!!! You open it… It starts with a note… Before making your way to Her, you take a moment to read it… to understand the power of it…

Meanwhile, comfortably waiting…Touching Herself… You slowly walk towards Her… Admiring your view… You must decide quickly… The impulse of grasping Her, pulling Her towards you, ripping the rest of her clothes off, is getting stronger. Wanting your lips to Hers, licking your way down… Listening to Her moan, softly, created by your delightful attention… You must decide!!! Acceptance?…She is ready… to give, to submit… It will be Her pleasure!!!

By Caroline Dagenais

Unknown "Caroline" Intrigued - 16 years, 4 months, 22 days ago

As you walk in through the front door, walking up one step at time, you wonder, what surprise is awaiting you this time? You have the strong sensation that She is up to something. Hmmm, what could it be? That’s when your mind starts racing and your heart starts palpitating faster and faster. Coming from deep within, knowing that when you get up those stairs something incredibly different could seize the moment and introduce you to an evening of indulgence!

That’s when it hits you!... You are only half way up them stairs and you suddenly realize; all the fantasies you are injecting into your forever yearn for lust are only making the pressure rise dramatically… Should one continue crazing over these wishes?

Reality sets in, you take that last step up, you glance curiously across the room wondering, where is She? You stop in your footsteps and ponder the thoughts you were entertaining while coming up the stairs… Hmmm, you think to yourself! Could it be? You take a moment to focus on the surroundings. You listen to the waves of the music… you inhale the aroma you’ve been longing for… you stare into the shimmering illumination induced by the candle light… and the absence of She…???

You remove your outerwear and shoes, gently, to ensure no ripples are created in the ambiance. You make your way towards the Master Bedroom in hope that there, She will be. Once at the doorway you pause… you absorb!

The scenarios keep running through your head. You gaze at She… Is She sleeping? Or maybe She is waiting? You approach softly as the heat starts pumping through your veins… She has her eyes closed…!!! You lean over She… She infatuates you by her luscious lips; you cannot resist the energy pulled by She... You start touching and caressing her graceful body… submitting to the temptation of seduction!!! The absence of will-power feeding the imagination…!!!

By Caroline Dagenais

Unknown "Caroline" Intrigued - 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago

As Confusion runs through
One can wish…
…for time to stand still

Acceptance of another
In a way never to be seen
Appreciate, embrace it

Survival, fed by the animal instinct
Submerged in emotions
With cries to the wild

Selfishness? A rare occasion
As the other body listens
Indulge, own it

Dreams coming to realization
In an imagination world
While the sun sets at a distance

Advantage? Personal diary
For the waves of your voice
Leaving no impression behind

A more powerful you
Unfolded by temptation
Saturated by controversies

Changes in progress,
Creating Energy
As I wish to be relieved and set free!

Changes in progress,
Creating Energy
As I wish you empty some of your burdens upon me!

Unknown "Caroline" Intrigued - 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago

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Welcome :)
CoopII "Heated Desire" Unwell - 16 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
Angel Face
Hi Caroline! How are you?
day full of sparkling happines You have been given day full of sparkling happines.
Crafted by Layla Sonja
Angel Face "My Angel" Playful - 16 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
Dean E Woodard
Hah! I caught you! LOL C' to me.
You have been given Captured!.
Crafted by Dean E Woodard
Dean E Woodard "My Dean" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
Dean E Woodard
You, me..the Manx. What do you think?
You have been given dinner for two.
Crafted by Unknown
Dean E Woodard "My Dean" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months, 29 days ago
Dean E Woodard
hah! I see you!
You have been given you have been jumped and hugged!.
Crafted by Claire G
Dean E Woodard "My Dean" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months, 29 days ago
Dean E Woodard
Aww....don't run away. *sad*
You have been given Peekaboo!! I see you!!.
Crafted by Unknown
Dean E Woodard "My Dean" Loyal - 16 years, 4 months ago
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