I am undefinable by definition and the only thing consistant about me is my inconsistancy. What I like now I may not later or vice verse. Likes- smart people, good/bad movies, BMX, and XXX. Dislikes- all the opposed
About you:
Anyone really I don't care although if you happen to be the bible thumping type-o-person expect to be ripped apart for preaching. Which is not to say the challenge isn't welcomed if you have the intellect for the cerebral fencing. I changed my mind people with a holier than thou attitude not welcomed. ( unless they need to be rended asunder)
This is an awesome tune but most people I mention it to have never herd of them Thomas "Devil May Care"Rabid
- 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Thomas "Devil May Care"Rabid
- 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Ok I'm not easily disturbed by much anything but if you are then stop reading this. So I was out at the superstore refueling the reserves and while wondering thru the dead animal section saw this reubanesque woman and her friend chatting away with an enfant in the little child carrier seat on the cart. I walk past and like 3 seconds later I hear a thud and then screaming like nails on a chalk board. The kids mother was running in circles yellin "oh Shit Oh shit" over and over again. Appartently Britney here was so engrossed in this conversation that she didn't think to strap the kid in and low and behold splat! I was digusted, and the worse thing was you could hear the baby shieking from every inch of the store. Don't get me wrong I'm never an advocate for violence towards women but I wanted to go slap the smart back into that idiot. That happened like 2 hrs ago and it's still bugging me. Thomas "Devil May Care"Rabid
- 17 years, 2 months, 11 days ago
I need More ink! Gawd I need my fix! I haven't been tattoed in months and the withdrawls are setting in. Any tattoo type people know exactly what I mean. Unfortunatly work has been spurratic and I can't justify spending the money but as it stands now, I have kthulu covering my shoulder and upper arm, Spider tribal armband on my forearm. On my right leg I have my Cat, Hatter, and White rabbit. On my left leg I have mine and my Dad's initials formed into some tribal. My back has eyes on my traps (shoulders) and one of my best friends (Terra Joy Rawnsly) on my lower back..... oh yeah Almost forgot lol I have the 666 symbol from the omen behind my ear so you can see it thru my 3/4 in' tunnels but that is not enuf I tell you I still have a ways to go but I will write about that later. Thomas "Devil May Care"Rabid
- 17 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
I'm itchin' to shoot some stick. My cue is collecting dust and I just got two new ones that I haven't even given their test run. Any other bipolars out there if you find yourself losing grip. Go play pool, seriously I don't care how out of it you are the ridiculously high level of logic and mathematics in the game will flood your cranium and then you can't think about what's F-ing with ya cuz you will be too immersed in the physics. I also find that playing guitar will have the same or at least similar effect cuz you are too busy thinking of what you are playing to obsess about the problems currently bombarding you. Thomas "Devil May Care"Rabid
- 17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago