Well, now to post and actually tell you about our night......22/04/08 abbie and ashleigh tell all.
Started out badly with an anonymous and HUGE car accident on the M6 which made us uber late getting Jess and then into Liverpool but it picked up very quickly when we started hammering the L&B, Grolsh and Smirnoff.
The venue was pretty empty but each of the otehr bands were decent. We were informed that We Smoke Fags were due on at half ten so we were glad we hadn't missed them.
- walking from ashleighs to the gig rather funny.
We had to sneak Abbie drinks and a few ciders later we were in the alley outside smoking fags with some random chicks and the most awesome bouncer ever, singing Queen songs.
- The sneaking were because it were a 14+ night, so they were id'ing everyone. GAYYYY.
Then we were joined by the guys from Lights and Sounds. Who really knows what we talked about but I my "I want your babies!" comment from earlier did come back to bite me in the ass, lol.
- Ash firstly said 'That was mint' talking to us, and the band mistook it for a compliment, thou they were mint. Then after saying i want your babies i walked off to ponder the toilets.
We Smoke Fags were awesome. And I won't begrudge them for the "woah! don't do that, you're underage!" comment at the start of the gig in relation to my "flash" gordon incident.
- she later told them when they came out that she wasn't flashing she was showing that she had 'FLASH' written on her stomach. The we smoke fags guys understood and we stayed chatting in the alleyway smoking fags.
I taught someone the Soulja boy dance in the alley after we were kicked outta barfly too.
- those guys from the bands were awesome. Not to mention the sexy bassists.
Good times.
We hit up Baa Bar afte we were offered free shots there by a girl with wicked piercings and I was pleasently surprised to hear that it was an "alternative" music night upstairs.
Fast forward a couple of Woo Woos and Monkey Magics and we have acquired 5 new friends and sex pest, one with shit taste in shoes and a boyfriend in the closet and another with awesome shoes.
- mmm woo woo's
The sex pest DID give us free fags to be fair on him.
- it was my fault he came over, i was having a laugh with him and then it came out that all he wanted to do was make out with jess's boobs, and didn't quite understand that saying 'WERE LESBIANS' literally means piss off.
More shots.
Meet a VERY pierced with a dreadlocked mate who dances enthusiastically to System Of A Down with us before saying we should come back to his for more [free] ale later.
- which turned out to be that we would be paying for it, so we fucked them off, sorry guys.
Met more of his mates and Jess decides she likes "Craig" whilst Abbie settles on the guy who is wearing an absurd amount of belts.
- I didn't settle for him, he settled for me okay!
More Shots.
More dancing.
Hit up Maccies for chips and coke.
Decide that, as fun as these ppl are, the grief from the pierced guy's GF is just too much and head back to Korova where we were told earlier that Lights and Sound and We Smoke Fags would be hanging out post gig.
It's shut already.
Baa Bar.
No more shots.
Daggy Dancing.
Abbie getting cold feet over talking to an emo boy (God she likes those emos that's for sure. She was in heaven last night!).
Had a band promoter roll me a fag.
Head on home.
Chicken kebab. Chips. Dr Pepper. Lilt at "NO! SUMMER FRUITS YOU BASTARD!" take away and heart to heart chats.
Bin raiding.
Turkish guy rolls us all fags.
"Are you looking at my bra?!"
Attempt to find porn but are foiled by freeview being rubbish and Jess using my laptop for facebook purposes.
Well, after a couple more hours of chat.
And now I'm up after only an hr and a half of sleep.
Sorry this is so long ppl!!!!
Of course there are plenty of pics which will be up soon :)
Unknown "so cute" Adventurous
- 16 years, 10 months, 23 days ago