The Drunken Abyss!
Camping with my best frand we were walking around and went to this other campsite. Our curfue is 9 or so. We are sitting at this campsite with these guys we just met who are in their 20's. Pretty cool dudes. Let me jump to the exciting part. We got smashed, FRAND left with this dude she JUST met and i was freakin out to where she went. lol. So i'm sitting at this camp site, wondering where the frigg she went and up walks my mother as i'm hammed to the bone. She asks me where my friend went and i for sure didn't know . so we left the camp site and went looking for her [ side note: when camping we aren't allowed at the beach when it is after dark] Thank fully my friend was just walking up from the forbidden beach and we were sent back to the trailor STRAIT away.
[now for the interesting part of the story]
We get back to the trailor, drunk as F.C.U.K! lol (spelt it like that on purpose)
And we get into bed, hoping my mom doesn't come in to bitch at us. We are falling alseep and i get a rumbly in my tummy. I start moaning and tell my friend i'm gunna barf. She yells at me to get to the bathroom and i stand up. I start walking over and out it comes, splashing out onto the linolium flooring. I take a step to go hover over the toilet with the remains that was in my stomache and i slip and fall RIGHT into my pool of vomit. I slide myself over to the bathroom and finish what is left. lol. I start calling for my mom and my friend yells at me to not call my fcuking mommy lol. I went and layed back in bed all covered in my vomit as my bestest FRAND cleaned up my vomit and helped me change into my warm and clean jams.
The moral ( there are a few)
1. Don't go to a random camp site at Kin Kamp and drink as much as you feel like
2.Always make sure you don't lose your friends if your supposed to stick together
3. You know you have a best frandy when they clean up you vomit
Unknown "sexy"
- 16 years, 12 months, 2 days ago