Basically, this is a "Life Soundtrack". Put your playlist on shuffle and then write down the songs as they come on, corresponding to each category. No cheating! Here we go...
Opening Credits:
"Born to be wild" - Steppenwolf
Waking Up:
"Out of control" - Chemical Brothers
First day of school:
"Someday" - Nickelback
First kiss:
"Under the bridge" - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Fight song:
"Son of a gun" - Janet Jackson
Breaking Up:
"I try" - Macy Gray
"Hoy" - Zayra Álvarez
"Welcome to the jungle" - Guns N' Roses
Mental Breakdown:
"Don't go away" - Oasis
Funny Moments:
"It's the end of the world as we know it" - R.E.M.
"Nothing Else Matters" - Metallica!!
Love Song:
"All eyez on me" - Tupac
"Let's go crazy" - Prince
"Let it be" - The beatles
Birth of a child:
"La Cura" - Fermín IV
Final battle:
"Iberia Sumergida" - Héroes del Silencio
Death scene:
"The Scientist" - Coldplay
Funeral Song:
"16 de febrero" - Chetes (spooky, it'll be realy freaky if my actual funeral is on February 16th)
End Credits:
"Yellow" - Coldplay
Wow I'm kind of shocked about how many songs are kind of related with the "part" they are supposed to represent... I think my soundtrack turned out fairly decent. lol
Unknown "♥ Droog" Bold
- 17 years, 19 days ago