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Unknown's tales
...........i give up................
Unknown "Otis" Gloomy
- 17 years, 5 days ago
i gave up on the beard....
Unknown "Otis" Gloomy
- 17 years, 11 days ago
i am growing my hair long again, at least for now. i think i am going to grow a bigass long beard ala zakk wylde or otis driftwood just to mix it up a bit this time around...i'm going to be an evil bastard!!!!!!!!!bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Unknown "Otis" Gloomy
- 17 years, 17 days ago
some people are either really stupid, or even crazier than i thought. i tried to be nice to a person i knew, she took it the wrong way, of course, and then took an interest in me, and when i didn't share that same interest, she went crazy, took it out on at least one of my friends, and lied to me about the whole thing. i don't like it when people attack my friends, be it physically or verbally[this was verbally], and then she had the nerve to continue bashing this friend in emails to me. this person blocked me before i had a chance to block her, and now she still insists on coming over here to my human pets profile and checking out my page. hey, crazy person, unblock me long enough so i can block you and then i don't have to deal with you coming over here all the time and spying on myself and my friends...go seek whatever help you need, but leave us alone please....
Unknown "Otis" Gloomy
- 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
the band is still flogging away!!! for anyone who doesn't know me, i'm the guitarist in a band called BLACKMEATPOWDER, the guys i'm playing with are my old friends, and the best musicians and all around people i've ever played with. we just started recording another tune last nite. i'm doing the producing and engineering of the cd we're in progress with, so it's been a learning process all around. it's sometimes awesome, sometimes frustrating, but we are all getting thru it very well. we're now looking for a drummer to complete this lineup. we need a kickass drummer that can not only do modern styles, but also with a knowledge of the seventies...this would give us a big jump on the recording process, as we've just been using a drum machine up to this point...for anyone that wants to hear rough copies of some of the tunes, go to www.myspace.com/robjasminethai
Unknown "Otis" Gloomy
- 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
shop full of crap
various items
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