to meditate
i actually just start with closing my eyes in the middle of the day and breathing.
if i seem to be good to go i'll continue, time permitting.
i put my consciousness where ever i focus,
i am in my body i am in my head,
i travel to all the nine gates.
i pretend my head is a giant room and my sense of self is a pinpoint inside it.
from there i meditate
your body movements affect blood flow through your thoughts and cause interference
i focus on sensing above all the inner noise.
kinda like trying to listen to a quiet tv in a noisy room.
after about 40 minutes it all starts to settle and i just receive stuff
this is where my intent determines what pops into my head.
all that focusing should be for just one thing at a time
i usually try to see the future, or events elsewhere in peoples minds in the world
it's hard to believe if its real.
but funny coincidences seem to happen so i think theres some worth to intent
one time i sat in a park quietly on a hillside with the sun setting to my back and after 2 hours i felt recharged and i looked up to the clouds and there seemed to be a triple triangular spiral pattern above me. i dont think clouds normally do that.
anyways, i just pay attention to the faint changes in light and darkness inside my eyelids. after a while the pulsing of my blood seems to make a pattern, kalidascope peacock feathers, no colors just the pattern, and then collapsing rings, the ring is my blood pumping thru my lense i bet, but its a pretty neat and relaxing pattern.
then after i get desensitized to that as well, i start to see things.
i guess at this point its daydreaming. but maybe we were made to see things with eyes closed as a part of spiritual evolution. i like to go with it. then i see people i've never seen before and with such detail as if i was them looking in a mirror. or i've jumped into their body and am looking thru their eyes. i then find it not surprising when i see that person later in the week. i don't know names or anything but sometimes weird things happen...
Traugstenthorn "Wave" Neglected
- 16 years, 6 months ago