there once was a man named enis...who had a very large...leg. one day it fell off to gang greenis.....and now that...leg....is a peg.
Unknown "Ninja Vet-tician" Content
- 17 years, 25 days ago
BLARGH...I have to be able to run 10 miles by the first weekend in may, and I am up to 1.4 as of now...good news is that I can do 1.4 in about 9 minutes....bad news I am only at 1.4 miles...*sigh*
Unknown "Ninja Vet-tician" Content
- 17 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
So today barry is not trying to cuddle with me...barry is the cat featured in most of the photos I have. He has been ignoring me. not sure if that is a good or bad thing, but it certainly is less annoying when trying to type on my computer when i am trying to get work done. at any rate today has been mild. just running working out and doing some research for the newsletter...what i need to do is get cracking on this paper on Addisons disease...but its not top priority right now...YAY for saving lives
Unknown "Ninja Vet-tician" Content
- 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago