so, i'm a little bit pissed. i bought a pet for a little over 20k, and someone bought him.. and not only did i make ZERO profit, i didnt get my money back. which is effin stupid and pissed me off. I don't mind battling for pets. . that's HP, but for me not to get anything back is BS. Unknown"Rawr"Ferocious
- 17 years, 15 days ago
so, i decided that since i've noticed people are actually thumbing me, i'll be glad to return the favor. Just message me or comment or whatever and I'll thumb back. I have tons of time @ work that I'm super bored :] Unknown"Rawr"Ferocious
- 17 years, 16 days ago
I added more recent pictures .. woot woot. They are the few at the very end. Yeah I know i'm goofy and i like to make wierd faces.. .SOO!?! lol Unknown"Rawr"Ferocious
- 17 years, 21 days ago
i'm bored out of my miiiiiiiind!!! Anyone wanna talk on any messengers? Unknown"Rawr"Ferocious
- 17 years, 23 days ago
I have been sooooo sick for the last week but i'm FINALLY back. YAY ♥ Unknown"Rawr"Ferocious
- 17 years, 25 days ago
just setting up shop to share what nots and fun stuffs. I would love feedback, so please let me know how you like it or how much you hate it!!!
ON REPORTING MY ITEMS: If you have a problem with something that is posted or you think it is against HP rules, please let me know and I'll be glad to remove it. I would much rather do that then be reported for something that is silly as something in the shop. Just pop me a message and let me know. Thank you