Once upon a time in a land far far away, there was a little girl named Gertrude. Gertrude wasnt the most beautiful girl you had ever seen, but she was cute enough and VERY strong! One day Gertrude was doing her daily chore of walking down to the village pond to get water for her washing. When all of a sudden out from behind a big oak tree came a giraffe. Now this wasnt just any old giraffe, this was a very rare vampire giraffe.
Now Im sure you're are thinking that there is no such thing....but let me tell you...THERE IS!
Gertrude was had heard horrible stories about these ugly creatures, and was very frightened. She wanted to run and hide, but really, where can you hide from a giraffe. I mean they are taller than most trees...SOMETIMES...well they were back then anyway.
So Gertrude had to think fast, what could she do to stop this vampire giraffe from biting her....then she would turn into one herself!
So without a moment to lose, Gertrude quickly ran under the giraffe's 4 legs, she then howled to the moon like Xena warrior princess, did a triple standing back flip, then disappeared into thin air.
HOW IS THAT FOR A TALE! hahahaha....could I get anymore random...GIVE ME A THUMB BABY!
Unknown "Island girl " Gloomy
- 17 years, 3 days ago