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"Miss Darcy"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: VIP - Very Important Pets, tiger's den, *Rough**Rough*, RAVENS PIT, GABE'S THUMB HERD

"under cover"
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Unknown's tales
Okay here is a good one, a typical Darcy moment... So I work in a furniture store, we sell the obvious.. furniture LOL.. BUT we also sell ART, ACCESSORIES, yadda yadda.. Well about two weeks ago, I had a couple come in to the store and I was pretty sure they stole something.. Now as for the something, I'll get to that.. LOL.. Okay so not really being much of a detective I called the police station to let them know that I think someone stole something from the store.. I give a discription of the two and their car, then... the dispatcher asks me to discribe what they stole.. now I'm realizin what it was they stole.. Now I don't know about you but here comes what I call only me (Darcy luck).. I tell her they stole BALLS.. yes that's right BALLS.. ( They are decorative, softball, glass ordiments that go on a coffee table) so yah... Anyways the dispatcher/officer asks me to repeat what I just said.. so I said, " balls, they are decorative pieces that go on coffee tables and such" .... UH huh.. Then she asks me to discribe "these balls" Now I'm thinking in my head and I don't want to go any further with this stupid coversation with her.. but I carry on.. " Well mam they stole two BALLS, One was green and the other was brown, both having a pattern on them"... and it goes from there.. well now I'm thinking this is all over.. OH NO its not.. Then about fifteen minutes later, I get a police officer calling the store to say that, these two I discribed were believed to have stolen from another town near by and that he was proceeding to check into the situation... I then had to discribe everything again to him...." They stole BALLS, Yes, TWO, One was GREEN and the Other Brown, they had a pattern on them, no I didn't see them put the Balls in a purse or a bag, or in their shirt. " Yadda Yadda.. I get off the phone with the officer about fifteen minutes later... Can this get any better,, OH YES IT CAN... YES YES IT CAN.. The officer then comes into the store.. I now have to give a statement cause yes these people that stole had stolen from many stores... YES.. THAT'S RIGHT THERE IS A STATEMENT NOW AT THE POLICE STATION THAT HAS MY NAME ON IT... DARCY AND STOLEN BALLS.. To top this all off, while the police officer is taken my statement I can hear the two fellas that do our deliveries in the back warehouse killing themselves laughing... I also called the owner of the store to let her know and she also finds it rather amusing.. I do too.. cause anyone that knows me.. knows that I can't keep a straight face and look a cop in the face with out having a smartass grin on my face and talk about Balls.. ..... Conclusion... DON'T STEAL MY BALLS, CAUSE I FIND YOU.. LOL.. DAMN IT.... They did come in the next day and pay for them.. LMAO.. GOOD TIMES IN THE LIFE OF MOI..
Unknown "Miss Darcy" Cheeky - 16 years, 4 months, 4 days ago
So which one of my dumbaced stories should I put here.. LOL.. Those of you that know me, know that there is an abundance.. LOL.. Good times.. Lets see... brb
Unknown "Miss Darcy" Cheeky - 16 years, 5 months, 3 days ago

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thanks for petting !
Matthias "Divin " Playful - 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
'ello there ;)

Thanks be to ya for the delighted pet'n!

'n how's you doin this wonderful fine day? ;)
Lor "Illogic Puzzle" Annoyed - 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
Nice to hear from you Darcy
You have been given a Blackberry (click on pic).
Crafted by Arnold
Arnold Feisty - 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago

You have been given Spiced Chai Tea Latte.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "~Running Man~" Frisky Hmmmm? - 16 years, 3 months, 24 days ago
Thanks for your purchase!
Sirus "Betty's ♥" Back where he belongs.. - 16 years, 4 months, 3 days ago

You have been given A Flower.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "~Running Man~" Frisky Hmmmm? - 16 years, 4 months, 3 days ago
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