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Unknown , 43/Female
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Local time:11:26 AM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 25 days ago
Location: Canada

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Unknown's tales
Hugh Laurie...HOUSE
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Unknown "Rah" Lonely - 16 years, 11 days ago
Here's something you can do if you get really bored or if you are like me and tend to procrastinate :0P
Go to and type in your answers to the following questions.
Post the definition(s) it gives you.
1.) Your name?
The name "Sarah" is translated from the Hebrew language. It means "Princess"...and rightly so!
The translation of "Sarah" is "princess"
princess gorgeous beautiful smart perfect
The correct spelling of the name sara.

What is your name?
Me too! But how do you spell it?
The correct way,

sara princess hebrew wife of abraham bible

a sexy little creauture!
that sarah is a babee!
classy sexy babe nonce gorgeous amazingggg

3.)how old are you? 27

the age all rockstars die at:
jimi hendrix
jim morrison
janis joplin
kurt cobain
alexander the great
james dean
river phoenix
brad nowell (lead singer to sublime) died at the age of 28 years and 2 days (2 days from joining the club)
you and i have been through that
and this is NOT our fate
if you haven't seen nirvana unplugged you fucking missed out
Marlboro Blend #27, Class A filter cigarettes.
An extremley trendy smoke, with a smooth,rich, mellow taste. They are roasted to bring out the flavor of the tobacco.
Lindsay Lohan has been known to only smoke 27's.
blend #27 marlboro blend #27 good smokes trendy cigs. cigarettes fags smokes a 27 #27
The worst poker hand in the whole world. Only those mentally challenged or intoxicated would even consider playing this hand. It is also known as a 'beer hand', due to the obvious implications that only drunkards would play it.
Billy-Bob, inexplicably way past the legal blood alcohol limit, called all in with his 27 off suit and was gutted when he lost to a far superior hand.
beer hand 72 poker worst hand worst poker

4.) What should you be doing right now? im on the computer
computer whore
someone who refuses to socialize or do anything with their life in order to spend countless hours attached to the computer from any location possible. someone who would indeed die for their computer as they have already began to sacrifice personal hygiene just to stay on the computer. someone who drops everything in the instant they walk through the door just to get on the computer

casey alan thomas aka "scott" gets up extra early in the mornings just to whore the comp, going to class and whoring his comp via remote desktop, whoring a laptop on the way home in the car, refusing to socialize in order to surf the internet aimlessly, refusing to brush his teeth in order to gain extra time on the computer, increased GWAM by 100% by whoring such a large extensive amount of time. example:
"jon where is scott" jon: "im not sure" scotts roommate: " hes whoring the comp for the 239473298473 hour" jons roommate: "dude how can one individual spend so much time on the computer" Example 2: scott goes to class, scott sits in class and uses the university computer to remote desktop to his computer so he can whore in class Response: what a fucking computer whore

5.) Favorite color? purple and pink

Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.
Yo, you gotta come over and smoke, boy! I got the purple!
purple colored marijuana (usually green with blotches of purple). marijuana is sometimes grown differently to have a purple hue, usually more potent and sometimes more expensive. very common in northern california (bay area)
"we got purple, I GOT GRAAAPES"
"...purple in the swisher..."
(rap song)
-Federation featuring E-40
one of the key ingredients to Grape Drink,-
Sugar, Water, Purple
It just ain't grape drink with without that purple.

slang reference to the vagina
im gonna get me some pink
A colthing line by Victoria's Secret. It includes Panites, tank tops, shorts, bathing suits etc...
I love the new Pink bathing suit I got from Victoria's Secret.
1. Color seen as the most stereotypical "feminine" color.
2. Singer (real name Alicia Moore) who started out doing rap, then pop, then more emotional (but not emo) pop. Married to Carey Hart, who has begun referring to himself as "Mr. Pink", not only because of his marriage but because he likes Reservoir Dogs.
1. "I don't know, she's bound to like something pink."
2. "Eh, Pink's okay, but what she lacks in range she makes up for in the body department. Carey Hart is a lucky bastard."

6.) Birthplace? calgary
The best city in Canada. Has the Flames, the new Stampeders, and the Calgary Stampede, the greatest outdoor show on earth. Madtroll, you are a dick and have probably never been to Calgary. It's a beautiful city full of life and culture. You are probably a redneck bumpkin living in Alabama. But that's besides the point. Calgary is a great city. Hot girls, good bars, good times.
Dude, let's go to Calgary. It's sweet.
A city in the province of Alberta, Canada, that has roughly a million people, hosts the Calgary Stampede, and should be the capital city instead of Edmonton.
I've lived in both Edmonton and Calgary and Calgary is the better. Sure
Edmonton has that mall, but guess what? Thats it. While in Calgary we have the Flames, The Stampede, and GlobalFest. And we have lots of trees, a few sluts, and almost no mullets. So there!
Why did Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie come to Calgary?
More things to do than Edmonton, thats why!

7.) Month of your birth? august

The idea of perfection. The 8th Month of the year in certain European and Asian cultures signifies greatness in achieving perfection, or something close to it.
You look August tonight my love!
month year date perfect love asian european
The eigth month of the year characterized by cookouts and swimming!
I love August, it has to be the best moth of the year!
august month summer sun swimming
That short German muscle guy that sits in the back of the bar who can drink everybody under the table.
Who's that guy in the back of the bar drinking from a stein? Oh, that's August! Speaking of him, that makes me feel like drinking. Let's tilt another down!

8.) Last person you talked to: jodi
1- someone who is amazing awesome and random and the best person i ever met.
2- nice, fun, pretty, giving, friendly, amazing, and all around probably the best person in the whole entire world!!

jodi friend awesome best cool
Very pretty! Smart and is a good mate,
will stick up for her mates. Popular and everyone likes her! One heck of a person
Woahh, she's so cool!
-Yeahh she;s a jodi

9.)My nicknames: Rah
Someone who went to private school (or wish they had), likes rugby (not football), probably a member of a rowing, sailing or yachting club, refer to their parents as "Mummy and Daddy". Boys: often seen to be wearing a lemon (or any pastel shade) sweatshirt slung casually over their shoulders and deck shoes.
Girls:Dress similar to that of boys along with pearls, numerous shopping bags and Daddy's credit card.
Names often include: Rupert, Will, Guy, Jeremy, Emily, Alexandra, Henrietta, Harriet. Followed by a double/triple barrelled surname, e.g. Harrington-Smythe.
Look at her, she is so rah.
Noun. Refers to a social 'type' among young people, often at while at university or school. Depending on the environment this term can have varying degrees of intensity.
Generally, it is used when refering to someone who posseses or aspires (painfully) to the stereoty
Unknown "Rah" Lonely - 16 years, 14 days ago

Unknown "Rah" Lonely - 16 years, 25 days ago

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Yay it's me
Looks like it's my turn to be worried about you!
Haven't heard from you in a few days, could be because my phone was unplugged.... But whatever the case give me a call!
Lots of love xoxo
Aaaaaaahhhh! You have been given Aaaaaaahhhh!.
Crafted by Unknown
Yay it's me "Dead" Sparkling - 15 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
Yay it's me
Hey gonna call you today...
I've been in hiding, sorry sweets!
Lots of love xoxo
Yep, I Was Here ^.^ You have been given Yep, I Was Here ^.^.
Crafted by Yay it's me
Yay it's me "Dead" Sparkling - 15 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Yay it's me
Hey sweets it's me, I changed my name...
Check your message box on here for a message from me.
how r u my dear? ♥ You have been given how r u my dear? ♥.
Crafted by Estelle Angel
Yay it's me "Dead" Sparkling - 15 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
Yay it's me

Morning Sunshine! You have been given Morning Sunshine!.
Crafted by Yay it's me
Yay it's me "Dead" Sparkling - 15 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
Yay it's me
Hey sweets!
Sorry I haven't been around, just a little down in the dumps i'll call you tomorrow. Hope you're doing good.
Lots of love Mwah xoxo
luv my cutie pet ♥ You have been given luv my cutie pet ♥.
Crafted by Estelle Angel
Yay it's me "Dead" Sparkling - 15 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
Yay it's me
Morning Sunshine!!
Got the MSN working again, YAY me! lol
Give me a call when you wake up xo
Thanks You have been given Thanks.
Crafted by Unknown
Yay it's me "Dead" Sparkling - 16 years, 11 days ago
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