Two mates gently swinging stumbled out og the pub. They were walking past two kids carrying the biggest fish they have ever seen. "How did you catch that?", the one drunk asked. "Well, we just went to the bridge and I had my friend hold me by the ankles. Then when ever a fish comes past I just yell ,PULL me up now!". "Wow we have to try it!", the one drunk says to his friend, so off they went.
At the bridge the one drunk crawled over the side his friend holding on to his ankles. 10 minutes went past and the one asked. "So any good fish down there?". "No not yet man just hang on!". 30 minutes later. "Hey man you are getting heavy anything yet?". "No man just wait I'm sure a good one will come any minute now."
Well this went on for 2 hours. "Hey man I can not hold you much longer man, my arms are gonna break off!". "Man just hang.......PULL PULL!!!"
The drunk pulled his friend with all his might. "What, nothing why did you ask me to pull you up?" "Geesh man that train almost hit me!!!"
Unknown Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 25 days ago