Just want to say thank you to all my friends here in Human Pets brought to us all by Facebook!
You are a breath of fresh air when it seems too polluted to breath.
You bring sunshine into darkness!
You give hope and inspiration when there is nothing but emptiness.
You show so much love when all seems bleak.
You show compassion and caring when one thinks there is none left.
Your kind words speak life into the dead.
You fill a void of friendship where only a blackhole has exisited.
Best of alll, you have no idea how you touch the lives of others. Let me tell you, it is like the inocence of a new born babe unaware of the unconditonal love and joy you bring to those around you. You bring a smile, a hearty laugh, a giggle, a tear of joy, an inspirational word, filling a heart that it feels like ti could just explode, a booster shot of life. That is what you are to me.
I want to say you are Awsome and I love you all! A few of you so special and dear, Charlotte (who has turned into such a good friend and inspiration), George (who also has turned itno such a good friend with such insight and love for our Father), John (my very first owner), absolutely no clue who you were but you bought me anyway, thank you so much for you kindness all three of you. To everyone else, I thank you as well for your concerns, words, gifts and friendship. I love this appication, you can give beautiful jewlery, trips and holidays and it doesn't cost a penny, how good is that. I love all the petting and giving pettings they let me know someone is thinking of me and gives me the opportunity to say hi and I am thinking of you. I love the opportunity to pet everyone. I have been busy and not around much but I wanted to let you know that you are never out of my thoughts and prayers. Love you all! Be Blessed and be well my Human Pets Family!
I pray the Lord above continues to remind you as He does me, that He cares and that we each listen for His word every day because a lot of times it is through a freind. All we have to do is be open to Him and listen between the lines, sometimes it is as simple as a petting from a total stranger. I pray you are all as blessed as I am. Thank you again for your loving kindness and friendship.
Unknown "Beautiful" Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months, 26 days ago