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"my princess"

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"My Baby"
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I own this in an auction and all about me - down to a T, have a read and then you will know a bit more about me..

Name: Shannon
February 29 1984
12:36 AM Time Zone is AEDT
Canberra, AUSTL

Rising Sign is in 19 Degrees Sagittarius
You are known for being open, frank, outgoing and honest. At times, though, you are also blunt and quite indiscreet. Others have to learn not to take everything you say personally, because you usually do not mean any harm. You appreciate living your life in a straightforward and simple manner -- you dislike social niceties and consider them to be hindrances to real communication. You have lots and lots of energy and tend to become quite restless if you feel confined. You demand the freedom to do as you choose -- you must be self- directed or you feel trapped and anxious. With your abundant energy, you enjoy being outdoors, and you should be attracted to physical exercise or to those forms of sport which can help you burn off some of that excess energy. Very gregarious, you love to socialize -- your innate enthusiasm livens up any gathering.

Sun is in 09 Degrees Pisces.
Extremely sensitive and emotional, you absorb the emotions of others (whether positive or negative) like a sponge. Emotionally vulnerable, you are easily upset and tend to cry readily. You are at your best when you can structure your environment in such a way that you are surrounded by positive, upbeat people. You are very helpful and understanding of the needs of others. Indeed, at times this can be a disadvantage, because you can be a sucker for anyone who needs help. Shy, dreamy, romantic in nature, you delight in retreating into your private fantasy world. Just be careful that you do not get lost in it! Trust your intuitions -- you may be quite psychic.

Moon is in 04 Degrees Aquarius.
Very freedom-oriented, you must always be able to do what you wish, no matter what. You become stubborn and recalcitrant when others try to force you into a mold. You are a true democrat -- you are not a follower, but you enjoy being with those who are like-minded. You appreciate emotional self-control -- you practice it yourself and you look for it in others. You solve problems, including emotional ones, with your brains and intellect, not your feelings. Try to be tolerant of those who have powerful and obvious emotional responses -- not everyone is as objective, cool, dispassionate and detached as you are.

Mercury is in 01 Degrees Pisces.
Your ideas and thought processes do not come to you in an orderly, logical fashion. Instead, you think with your feelings or with images produced by your rich and fertile imagination. A very subjective person, your dreams and fantasies are very important to you. You trust your intuitions and tend to reject ideas that are based solely on logic. Very impressionable, you are sensitive to the moods and emotional states of those with whom you come into contact.

Venus is in 11 Degrees Aquarius.
You are a friendly and outgoing individual, but close relationships are difficult for you to maintain due to your fear that they will cause you to lose your freedom. You attract friends and associates who are exciting, different and sometimes a bit odd. You are popular with others and enjoy working within a group toward group goals.

Mars is in 21 Degrees Scorpio.
Your likes and dislikes are strong and intense, never casual or superficial. You are known for your persistence and willful obsession. Once you have decided on a course of action, you are unstoppable. Your emotional actions tend to be extreme, although you try to keep them muted. You are not quick to anger, you do slow burns. And you tend to release your anger as sarcasm or irony. Beware of your tendency to hold grudges and to be vengeful. When you do fight, or release your internal tensions, you do so body and soul -- you become totally passionate and your outbursts are awesome to behold.

Jupiter is in 07 Degrees Capricorn.
You tend to feel that the only results that are worthwhile are the results that are concrete and demonstrable. You distrust abstract solutions and appreciate measurable achievements. An excellent organizer and planner, you are optimistic as well as practical and realistic about what can and what cannot happen. Very responsible, you consider it a personal weakness to be wrong about anything. This makes you appropriately cautious. You are very efficient but you tend to be cool and detached.

Saturn is in 16 Degrees Scorpio.
You tend to release emotional energies only very reluctantly. This is partly due to your fear of what horrible calamity might occur should they be released -- your emotions are terribly complicated and intense. Try not to repress these energies entirely, however, or you will succumb to negative and destructive forms of compulsive behavior. Give yourself the freedom to look awkward or silly once in a while. The relief you feel will be quite therapeutic and the embarrassment (whether it is real or imagined) will pass quickly.

Uranus is in 13 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and most of your peers, have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world.

Neptune is in 01 Degrees Capricorn.
You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.

Pluto is in 01 Degrees Scorpio.
For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search.

N. Node is in 11 Degrees Gemini.
You will consciously seek out many different contacts with others throughout your life. Many of these will be of very short duration, not necessarily because you're fickle, but just because you always seem to be more excited by the prospect of meeting someone new rather than prolonging your present relationships. At any rate, you will learn something new from almost everyone you come across -- intellectual stimulation is what you crave from others. You will be well known to neighbors and relatives, partly due to your curiosity about what they're doing -- you delight in keeping up-to-date about the latest news (and gossip).
Unknown "my princess" Carefree - 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
Ok Well i got my car back today, $2500.00 OMG..... I got Brendan to pick up the keys when he finished work at 3 becuase i couldnt make it down there intime before they closed, so anyways i get down there at about 6ish to pick it up and i just in and the stereo isnt working because he reset the motor or took the battery out or something it reset the stereo and needed the code entered to make it work, i then i spend 30 mins trying to look for the stereo book thing to find the code, finially find and got it all worked out ( I drive without my stereo lol)... then go home and decided to just have fish and chips etc for dinner, i ordered a bacon roll and brendan got the fish (i dont like fish).. got it home and i looked in my bacon roll and there was BBQ sauce on it and I HATE BBQ sauce, so i had to drive all the way back to get a new one!!! great!!!!

Oh and i almost forgot.... last night when Brendan got home from work he was saying that his car was smoking from bonnet (f**k) so anyways he has a look and there this tiny little tear/hole in this rubber tube that goes to the radiator sooo he pulls it off and his mum comes up to our house and take him down the super cheap auto to get another part for the car, they went to lake haven - they didnt have one, they went to Tuggerah - they didnt have one, they went to Erina - they didnt have one, they went to Gosford they didnt have one... SOOOO nowhere on the coast has the part we need so had to order one in for his car, so in the mean time Brendan got this stuff that you put all over the rubber tube and it goes hard and fixes it but its only a temp fix and hows this it cost more for this stuff than it does for the actually tube, hmmmm strange.. well needed to get it because at that time i didnt have my car and he needed to get to work today..

Well there you go that the last 2 days for me, always fun in the Beaumont/Neubauer household... What i dont get is all theses people have all these really crap cars and they never break down, i ahve a brand new car and it cost me bloody 2500 to bloody get fixed..

thats my windge for this week, hope everyone has a great weekend.. Take care.. xxx
Unknown "my princess" Carefree - 16 years, 12 months, 2 days ago
Unknown "my princess" Carefree - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
Ok ive had a really time lately::: well to start it off, last week my Partner was driving my car to work and it broke down so we had to get it towed my machinic, he said looks like head gasket probably around 1900.00 to get it fixed, GREAT... then we had Brendans Cuz and mate staying with us for a few days down from QLD, which wasnt so bad but i had to clean up after them and then they take Brendan out on MY birthday so im stuck at home on my birthday so my soon to be mother inlaw came over to keep me company which was nice, then This monday i got like 7 bills in the mail, GREAT, then my machinic rang and said hey the car is broken because of the guy that fixed my air con a few months ago cause he did something wrong and this cord was rubbing against the raidiator and put a hole in it which made the head gasket go, so now i have to pay my machinic then go to the air con guy and try and get the money out of him, i have contact the department of fair trading and im in my rights to get the money, so if he doesnt pay i gotta lay a claime against him with them tog et the money.... Bloody hell...
Now nxt week i start my new course which im excited about but totally scared at the same time and then the weekend afer is my engagement party....
OMG can i cope with all the stress... who knows.... time will tell....
All i know is that im bloody broke now, almost all savings down the toilet now!!!!!

Unknown "my princess" Carefree - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago



Unknown "my princess" Carefree - 17 years, 7 days ago
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Hay there you..
Thanks for buying me.. I was feeling slightly neglected. You need to change my name though. I cant do it anymore....
You have been given PEZ CANDY.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Twinkle's home!" Wild - 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
There you go my dear.

Happy Reading.

Dee "My Angelღ" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
Your Soul Urge influence - what truly makes you happy;
A rebel WITH a cause, determined, headstrong, ambitious

. . someone with a lot of willpower . . .

If this sounds like YOU, you're absolutely right! Your desire to take control of any situation results from the influence a 1 Soul Urge has over you. You're at your best when you work alone, and can come up with innovative and trend-setting ideas!

What gets you through life is inner strength, willpower and an ability to master almost any situation.

Dee "My Angelღ" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
Your Personality number - how others see you;
What a charmer you are!

You're the first woman EVERYONE thinks of when it comes to parties because you make such a terrific guest. The moment you walk in the door, in fact, you have a cluster of people hanging on your every word before you can even say "hello!"

You give off an aura of enthusiasm and optimism for life that others find hard to resist. (You appear this way, even if you're crying and raging on the inside!) You also have a creative and artistic flair that manifests itself in some interesting and unusual ways.

The reason for your intense enjoyment of life and people is that you're under the influence of a 3 Outer Personality. Women with this personality excel at relationships because they're so charming, youthful and fun.
Dee "My Angelღ" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
Your Intuitive Plane;
Because there are no letters in your name which contribute to this plane, this is known as your "Karmic" lesson. In general, this creates obstacles for you to overcome that pertain to the understanding of the material and spiritual, faith itself, and a lack of feeling and compassion that can cause emotional upsets.
Dee "My Angelღ" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
Your Life Path's influence;
Ambitious, authoritative and able . . .

My friend, your qualities are genuine "Triple A"-cutting edge! In addition to the above traits, feel free to add self-confident, energetic and efficient.

The source of all these marvelous traits is the 8 Lifepath you're on. Women on this materialistically-oriented Lifepath tend to be dependable hard workers who are determined to get to the top in their own particular field or industry and who have the emotional and physical "stuff" it takes to make it into the big time.

Dee "My Angelღ" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Shanni's Fab Shop!!

This is the most fab shop you will ever visit, very exclusive... Be sure to buy something... I know you want too
Much love xx

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