"If I knew you and you knew me and with an inner sight divine, the meaning of your heart and mind, I am sure that we would differ less, and clasp our hands in friendliness, if I knew you and you knew me" :) We all are here seeking to connect with someone and find a life that will be worth living for. So... if you really want to know about me then you should understand first and foremost I am believer, someone who has been blessed with the priceless gift of salvation. Most of us seem satisfied living each day with no purpose, or seeking things that won't last (Success, Money, Grades, Popularity). We all have made mistakes in our lives.. and I know there will be many more that I may make. However, I stand secure in knowing that as long as I live a "life for Christ" and I seek to glorify Him, then there is nothing that I will face in life that I can't overcome.. Please understand, I am no better than you.. no worse, for who we are is an image of God; that is created in His likeness.. Thats all for now, but if you desire to know more about me or just would like to discuss life, then please feel free to write. God Bless and Thank you fo stopping by :)
Enosh "♥Someone♥"Adventurous
- 16 years, 4 months, 7 days ago
Enosh "♥Someone♥"Adventurous
- 16 years, 9 months, 9 days ago
My Mind maybe a desolate place Forbidden to be entered by many For it contains such hazard and peril Most who try and enter will be lost.
Do you know? This place... In which I speak of? I pray you never have to For I rather spare you the pain From such a place.
So It is my plea to you... Run, don't walk from my mind is no place for you!
Enosh "♥Someone♥"Adventurous
- 16 years, 11 months, 21 days ago
Who are you?
are you like me?
Do you live to love? Love to Live?
Are you Confused? Numb to the world around you?
Do you believe in something more than yourself? Can you Trust?
Do you have Faith? Are you looking for a connection? A relationship that stands the test of time?
Well I am no better, and no worse than you, for these questions plague me just as you, but how we answer those questions help define who we are and what we believe. Pray your journey through life may be rich and filled with blessings! Enosh "♥Someone♥"Adventurous
- 17 years, 4 days ago
Its though as we live life, not knowing what may lie next... we seem to often busy with repeating the mundane routines of life not being aware of those around us... for we must open our eyes to the World in which we live in, cherish each moment we are given for we don't know how many more we may have. So I say to you as I say to myself while I type this... let us live together for each other holding hands and creating a better world while we celebrate this life we are given. Enosh "♥Someone♥"Adventurous
- 17 years, 19 days ago