So I finally get to Iraq. I'm at Camp Speicher, near Tikrit. It's been pretty quiet. None of the crazy stuff that happens in Baghdad happens here. I'm getting settled in and working long hours. I should be returning to the United States in July or August. I'm fine. The noisiest things here are the Blackhawk helicopters that fly over my living quarters. But I usually sleep throught that. :)
Unknown "Globes" Adventurous
- 16 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
So I'm in Georgia right now. I'm at Ft. Benning, home of the Army's Infantry and Airborne schools. I leave to go to Iraq on Saturday night. So what am I doing in Georgia? Taking classes and verifying that I am healthy enough to go. Just a technicality this time.
Unknown "Globes" Adventurous
- 17 years ago
And that DVR? It's not an HD DVR and I ordered an HD DVR. So, Dish Network is exchanging it a week from Saturday. Yep, I'm getting new HD DVR the day I leave to go to Iraq. So when am I going to have time to program it?
Unknown "Globes" Adventurous
- 17 years, 3 days ago
I take the afternoon off from work in order to wait for the Dish Network tech to install my new Dish DVR. He pulls up to my house, sits there and then he leaves. He doesn't even bother to knock on my door. So I run out of the house, after the van. I manage to stop him before he leaves my street. I asked him if he was supposed to install a DVR, he said yes. I asked him why he didn't knock on my door, his answer was that he had to get something. See, the DVR was supposed to be installed by 5:00 PM. It's now 5:01 PM. Yes, I'm a little annoyed.
Unknown "Globes" Adventurous
- 17 years, 7 days ago
Well it looks like my messaging privileges have been restored. I haven't tried to send messages yet. Maybe tonight when I get home. I really shouldn't be doing this from work.
Unknown "Globes" Adventurous
- 17 years, 17 days ago