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Unknown, 31/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:9:16 AM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada

"Ayy Baybay (;"
About me:
I'm Susan (: Talk to me~ :D
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Nerds are Sexy
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hey susan! how have you been?
gahh, i haven't been on here for such a long time.
i really miss you. i hope you're doing well :)
♥ always here for you ♥ You have been given ♥ always here for you ♥.
Crafted by Missy J
Kevin "시원's pet" Content - 16 years, 8 days ago
WOW i just realized how long my messages are! XD
yea, you know im just too cool! yeah, green tea is awesome!
lol, its always fun to laugh at your kevii right?
yay, so that means you'll give me a hug? ^_^
oh yeah, thats true! the tooth faerie doesn't stand a chance against all of us!
lol, we asians have gotta stick together :)
nice, those dramas are great and sooo cute! you're watching iswak2 and devil beside you now right?
ha ha ha, very funny. wahh, susan's being mean to me! D:
yea, i'd love to pamper you with presents! :3
wow, are you serious? i never knew it started in gr.10 in calgary! i feel stupid...
hey, spiders are so freaky! ahhh, i don't even want to think of them, lol.
nahh, gr10 was easy. my first year (gr.9) was really hard though. but now gr.12 is the much homework, and its only the beginning of the year =__=
hehe, yes you are beautiful! i know i can't be the only one who thinks so. everyone would agree with me :P
yeah, they found out cause my printer woke them up! but they werent that mad cause i was doing homework. they were just "disappointed" that i didnt start it earlier, lol.
awws, i like seeing you happy! ^-^
hehe, im not forcing you to buy me! it would just make me really happy to have you as my owner :) and plus my owner right now doesn't talk to me much anymore.
yay, thankies! i wanna keep my susan forever! ^w^
of course, tacos are just too delicious! do you wanna come to taco bell with me? lol
OMG i set my alarm clock at 6 and wake up at 6:30 too! all of my friends always say that i wake up so early, lol. yeah, it takes me a long time to get ready for school XD
good evening to you susan! love you <333
You have been given ♡I'm Such A Lucky Owner♡.
Crafted by Leona Tsai
Kevin "시원's pet" Content - 16 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
yuhhh, i had a great birthday. after school, i just went out with some friends, and we went to wendys and pigged out. baconators are awesome, lol. then we went to walmart for some reason, and i ended up drinking a lot of green tea XD we're just soooo cool right? *sarcasm* cough cough
we're both winners! let's agree to that, lol.
ahahaha, yup! it was the weekend and i was bored....ok, you can stop laughing at me :P
ohh yes, a hug from kevii's favourite pet would make him very happy! you can't just leave me hanging! lols
haha, we're hunting down the tooth faerie...there's gonna be a lot of pissed little kids after us XD
yeah, i'll always be right here for you! susan's got my back too right? :P
hey, that was only one day! i never watch that much anymore. i don't even know how i possibly pulled that off, lol.
ohh which 2 have you completed again? well, i guess 20 is a lot, but most of them were jdramas, which are normally shorter.
you just like teasing me don't you? pedos are nasty!
of course you'd like that! kevii's buying you presents after all :D
as long as you recognize the memorable parts from coffee prince, its all good. like that part when "he" was blowing on the guy's face when he was sleeping, lol.
hehe, im still confused then. the only explanation i can think of is that high school starts in gr10 there? but that doesnt sound right...oh well, i failed again.
i know! im scared of all bugs and insects. lol, i always freak out when i see a spider in my house xP
i actually found my first year really easy, cause my last year of elementary was so hard. they gave us soooo much homework to prepare us for high school, then we realize that it's easier, lol. gr10 and up is a lot harder...especially final year XD but im glad you're having a great time ^^
haha, you know you're beautiful! you're probably just gonna deny it again. well i think you are, so that's all that matters ^_~
ohhh, thats not a good habit to develop! i've already gotten used to having 5-6 hours of sleep each night, so im fine. but pulling all-nighters are a whole different story. i think they're awesome! i still remember finishing a project at 4:30am, and having to print it out (my printer is so f***ing loud) lol. i got in trouble =__=
no no, i was joking. you can order what ever you want! anything to make my susan happy :)
wahhh, im not me, she won't get mad at you! and she's gonna be quitting the app soon when she heads off to college, so i'll be lonely...
haha, please don't buy yourself away from me! kevii will be very sad if he loses his susan ;(
damn, im craving tacos right now....i have no idea why i seem to have taco cravings late at night XD
yeah, i just love lying on the bed in the morning. takes me an extra half hour to actually get up. only on weekends though...other wise i'd be late for school every day, lol.
oh yeah! well, an extra reminder is always helpful ^^
nighty night susan! <333
You have been given sweet dreams.
Crafted by Unknown
Kevin "시원's pet" Content - 16 years, 6 months, 7 days ago
thankies susan! im glad you remembered! <333
hehe, sure! you'll always be the real "winner" :)
LMAO now your kevii's 3 years older than you! well according to the definition from wiki, it wouldn't be considered pedophilia. so there's nothing with me thinking that you're hot :P
lol thats true. but you've already traveled so far, might as well come and say hi to me! that would make kevii very happy :)
oh wow, she owes you a lot! we'll find her someday and get your money!
of course! we all know you love your kevii :P
yup, i've always got your back!
it was really good, especially since the first one is one of my favourite dramas, and its what got me hooked on them in the first place. i remember that day...i watched the first 6 eps, ate lunch, then watched the last eyes were burning after all of that XD i definitely recommend the whole series, the final movie actually just came out...i think, lol.
LOL, i haven't seen THAT many dramas! i'd say i've seen about 20, which is nothing compared to other people. i usually just watch the popular ones, and the ones that people recommended to me.
i already told you im not a pedo! plus yuri is like 20-something ahaha.
red glasses are sooo hawt! lol. maybe i'll buy them for you when i come and visit you :P i bet you'd look even more beautiful with them ^_^
yeah, it was really weird! but it was funny, especially if you've already seen coffee prince :P
wait...kevii confuzzled again! how can you be a newbie first year, if you're in grade 10? unless you're super smart, and skipped grade 9?!?!
haha, we'll just stop talking about bugs now. its better not to think about them :P
thats great! my best friends are normally in different classes, so im happy that its different this year. so its your first year of high school right? what do you think of it so far? i hope you have fun classes! my web design class only has 6 other people, can just imagine what thats like XD
nooo! you shouldn't be staying up till 1am doing homework! don't copy my style of staying up late doing homework...its a bad habit =__= you need to get your beauty sleep! i usually stay up till like 12:30 for no reason, lol.
for 3 days?!?! well at least you have time to rest now :D
you don't have to worry, you can order anything you want! im gonna be broke after this aren't i? lol
wow, you're rich! come and buy me then! my owner is nice a nice person, so she wouldn't get mad if she knows that we're friends. she only buys me back if some random stranger buys me, or if i ask her to. so its all good. i'll be a good pet, i swear! ^o^
lol, but the cutest foods aren't always the yummiest ones :P
really?? 4 am is really late! i didn't really expect such a cute girl to stay up that late! but waking up in the afternoon is the best!
thanks for not forgetting! i guess the facebook birthday reminder thingy helps too, right?
ohh, goood night and sweet dreams! *huggs*
lmao, surprisingly, i woke up earlier that morning! thankies again! you're just sooo sweet! <333
You have been given Glasses ! .
Crafted by Pilar
Kevin "시원's pet" Content - 16 years, 6 months, 10 days ago
lol, how is it non-existent? i call shenanigans! XD
whatever, i'll just let you "win" then. i know in my head who the real winner is :P
haha nice one! if kevii thinks susan's hot, does that make him a pedo? lol, i don't think so...*goes and checks wiki*
nahh, i didn't notice at all! you must be a really good stalker then! you should have at least showed up to give me a hug before you returned to Calgary :(
yeah, we should team up and hunt down the tooth faerie to get our money! :D
you're uber happy cause your kevii is here, right? lol
yup, im very trustworthy! you have nothing to worry about! ^^
lol, i wanted to finish it before school started. so i watched like 2-3 episodes each day, which seems pretty normal to me. it was nothing compared to that time i watched all 11 episodes of hana yori dango 2 in a day XD
i think NG stands for "no good", so they are basically just bloopers. ISWAK 1 and 2 both have great NG's.
i really like them cause they're normally a little longer than japanese dramas, so the stories seem more "complete"....if you know what i mean. plus the actresses are cute! well, i guess i can say that about most dramas anyway XD
yeah, they interviewed some of the other crews too! i think the website was "" yay, yuri's back! ahaha
aww, thats true. glasses are so expensive! even though most of it is from the lenses, lol. i know you'll get them someday, and then i'll see your picture, and then my head will explode from the overwhelming cuteness and hotness XD
yup, thanks for getting their songs stuck in my head! now i have stuff to "listen" to during class! ohhh, on of my friends showed me the big bang coffee prince parody, and i just couldn't stop laughing! but it was kinda weird O_O
ohh yess, last farewell is awesome ^_^
nice! so its your second year of high school then :) i think i can handle gr10 math, so you can always look to me for help, lol.
heyy, im not a meanie!! you're a meanie for calling me a meanie! lol, you were the one who mentioned smushing it when it was still in your eye!
my first day was great! i finally have classes with a lot of my friends, and we didnt get any homework...except math =__=
how were your first few days of school?
haha, im sure we'll find some cute food to eat together! :D
you are perfect! thanks for calling me a cool pet! kevii loves his lil susan <3
you actually have enough to buy me? im sure she wouldn't mind ^_^
LOL i was joking! i can only give you the cutest foods possible!
i can sleep at 4am on the weekends though! :D
ohhh, your kevii's turning 17 this friday! don't forget! or else i'll be really sad :(
good night susan! i love you *huggles* <333
wow, it took me an hour to write this??? 12:50 am....nice...looks like im gonna have a hard time waking up in the morning XD
You have been given A kiss for my pet.
Crafted by Unknown
Kevin "시원's pet" Content - 16 years, 6 months, 13 days ago
nice! im glad you're not denying your hotness ;P
you always have to beat me right?
LMAO, you know i was just joking around! how can i be a pedo if she's 4 years older than me? XD
haha, i know you know a lot about me. you gathered up all the dirt about me while you were stalking me. right? :D
lol, i own the tooth faerie? dam, she still owes me money!
well, as long as you're happy! :)
of course, you can trust your teacher hehe.
ahaha, no problem!
ohh, i just finished it today! it was pretty good, but i REALLY hope there's a 3rd season. yup, you must continue watching, for gan gan's sake, lol. you should also watch the NG's, they are so hilarious!
ohh i see! so i guess you mostly watch the taiwanese dramas then? i like them the most :P
turns out i was right. they actually have an internet show together, lol. kyahhh, you would look even cuter with red glasses! you can always just buy the frames without the graded lenses ^w^
looks like you're succeeding in turning me into a big bang fanboy, lol. yup, thanks for the recommendations! didnt thumb my tale with the music video! :(
hey, i can always tutor you in math when you need help! wait, what grade are you in? lol
good good, you better not! LOL, sorry for giving you mental images of that XD
ohhh thankies! its the first day of school tomorrow, so i know i'll need the good luck! school starts for you too right? well good luck to you too! ^-^
yay!! shopping with you would be uber fun! then i can treat you to real food! :)
ohhh yes, i cant deny that! susan's perfect! but im not that bad of a pet myself x3
haha, don't tell me the eggies are too cute to eat again? but then you'll be hungry! i'll be sure to get you ugly eggies next time LMAO jk
aww, looks like i cant sleep at 4am anymore...
nighty night susan! i hope you have a great time at school! <333
Kevin "시원's pet" Content - 16 years, 6 months, 15 days ago
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