Well then, I guess thats a wrap. Excluding this Spring I've done some intense abstention for lent for the past four years running, each time giving up smoking, drinking, caffeine (including chocolate), any and all sexually related activities, vegan Fridays (sometimes just rice and water). Sometimes other things, and I definitely don't cheat by stopping on Sundays. Its not religious at all, at least not Catholic. A little spiritual maybe, but moreso just a test of willpower and cleansing time. This year there were very bizarre circumstances involved and I was unable to make it very far at all. A few crazy months went by and I decided I needed to take the step in the opposite direction and try it again. So I gave up sobriety. For 46 days, I just tried to overdo everything and throw moderation not just out the window but through it. I started usually right when I woke up, and didn't stop until the sun was up or I passed out on random pieces of furniture. On a slow day I'd drink about 2 gallons of beer. Entirely too many cigarettes. Sometimes 3 or 4 packs. It really began to feel like work, and it became very hard to even get drunk anymore. But last night I finished, and now my body feels very confused. Not really bad though, Surprisingly I don't think I really even crave a cigarette. I just keep feeling like I'm supposed to be doing something. Train and train and train I guess. And write, and find a new way to make money. Well, time to rest and meditate on what I've learned.
Unknown "rainbow man" Serene
- 16 years, 7 months, 20 days ago
Time to go drown my problems with alcohol and such things. Have to get trashed in time to sleep and make it to Relay for Life tomorrow.
Unknown "rainbow man" Serene
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
Further misadventures into archaic Japanese form. I'm starting to really dig the tanka. Butchered into syllabic form still, but its still very limiting. This one I limited further by rhyming all 5 lines...I don't know, it just came out last night after a talk with an ex. You're an architect Of parallel truth, unchecked Bit off, some detect Fight fang and claw to protect Realities you erect
Unknown "rainbow man" Serene
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
The shroud pulls away Most turn their heads, others their minds Some pull more each day
Unknown "rainbow man" Serene
- 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago