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"Captain White"

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Unknown's tales
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Run from mommy's skirt in to the dream,
monsters wait in the sweetest places;
under the rock squirmy bright-red biting bitch,
buy the lies and eat the pretty poison;
Sleep the toxic sleep,
sexed-up ride a rainbow till somebody pulls the plug,
and sweet talk darkness.

me too
Unknown "Captain White" Wild - 16 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
Her valley home was hot and wide,
Ringed by peaks of ancient pride,
And children’s children were born inside,
Before the day he came;
Tilling soil she spent her nights,
Resting days beneath the heights,
Denied all of love’s sweetest rites,
Medina was her name.

Each day at rest she would lay and sigh,
Sowing seeds at night she’d cry,
“Oh what a cursed thing am I,
That lives to bear such shame”;
At first a suitor came each day,
They touched her face and turned away,
“A maiden you will always stay!”
Thus became her fame.

So she dreamed of a love’s soft hands,
As she worked the valley lands,
Held only by her gown’s course strands,
And then one day he came;
He came from sky he came from stone,
He spoke with strong and gentle tone,
Of seeing magic dreams alone,
He sweetly said her name.

The people thought his ailment grave,
His talk of seeing dreams a rave,
The man who would be king made slave,
And beat ‘til he was tame;
Yet each day he’d find her still,
And with dreams her head he’d fill,
Of blues and greens of sky and hill,
And sweetly said her name.

So in them deep love did grow,
And in time he’d thought to show,
“I’ll never leave this valley low,
If you will share my name”;
The village men all roared in rage,
“Lock the mad man in a cage!”
Save for one a wise old sage,
Of much respect and fame.

We must be kind he can be saved,
From his mind this madness shaved,
He will no longer be enslaved,
Medina will share his name;
With joyful heart she found him fast,
Telling how cares would be the past,
If he would face this trial last,
Their lives would be the same.

But then in his voice was fear,
As if the news was dread to hear,
That they would sever his dream dear,
And hold them up to blame;
“My treasured dreams no more to see,
When surgeon takes the flesh from me,
If I must bear this pain for thee,
Let us begin the game.”

As day broke all did fall to sleep,
Medina thought of futures deep,
And of the love she’d always keep,
And whispered her new name;
But on nights breeze came despair,
When all discovered him not there,
He had returned to stone and air,
Beyond the Valley’s frame.

Her valley home was hot and wide,
Ringed by peaks of ancient pride,
And children’s children were born inside,
Before the day he came;
Wandering each night she’d cry,
Mourning for a love gone by
“A living dream once had I.”
Medina was her name.

me again
Unknown "Captain White" Wild - 16 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
Opium and heroine,
laudanum and morphine,
darkness drinks drown the sin,
steel pricks soft sweet skin.

Lollipops and chocolate,
tea and honey bears,
set out on the table cloth,
here come the nightmares.

Unknown "Captain White" Wild - 16 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
o not come back,
The door is closed that ship has sailed;
Pick your cliché of choice take it and go
Do not come back.

We fought and screamed,
We clawed, and screwed, and swore and tore;
We went to bed we went to war
Do not come back.

Why now, why here?
What do you hope to find slinking back with,
smiles and smiles and flowers and pretty words?
Do not come back.

There is nothing,
There is nothing for you here now no scraps
No bits of affection left over, no last jaws of hate to bite
Do not come back.

No, no emotion remains
Nothing to prove you are important anymore
Nothing more than the memory of our war and the wall
You will not pass
Do not come back.

Unknown "Captain White" Wild - 16 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
Arrogant bastard,
Where is my voice in that story? You’ve only told,
Half the tale and you think you’ve done so well;
You’ve shown us all how cruel you can be,
You’ve shown us through your eyes.

Arrogant bastard,
Bask in your own voice and silence mine,
Your self-effacing insults your guilt stings like your bigotry.
Next time look through my eyes,
Then talk to me.

Face it you can’t take it chump,
You don’t know how cruel you can be;
You are to afraid of yourself to see,
You won’t step over to my side.

Unless its on your time on your terms,
So you force feed your views to me then ask,
Me to chew my life soft and wet;
Spit up something you can drink down,
With your wine over dinner in a cozy spot.

It don’t work like that,
It ain’t some little spew you can slurp down with a straw;
You want to know the truth,
You have choke it down thorns and all.

It will cut your throat,
Make you bleed inside,
It’s a long hard ride down that hole.

Maybe you just ain’t ready to ask the question,
Until you’re ready not to like the answer.
Cause you don’t already have it.

Arrogant bastard.

Unknown "Captain White" Wild - 16 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
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lol... are you ever coming back here :-))) xxx
we are closed for now You have been given we are closed for now.
Crafted by Anoushka
Catherine "Dave's Beloved" - 16 years, 11 days ago
Enjoyyyyyyyyy :-))))))) xxx
Full Moon Rising You have been given Full Moon Rising.
Crafted by Raven Moon
Catherine "Dave's Beloved" - 16 years, 25 days ago
filled with much laughter.... oh yes... and joy :-))) xxx
~ A Happy Weekend ~ You have been given ~ A Happy Weekend ~.
Crafted by Catherine
Catherine "Dave's Beloved" - 16 years, 28 days ago
:-))) xxx
= ;) You have been given = ;).
Crafted by not living anymore
Catherine "Dave's Beloved" - 16 years, 28 days ago
:-))) as always....
Have a beautiful Weekend!!!!! You have been given Have a beautiful Weekend!!!!!.
Crafted by Unknown
Catherine "Dave's Beloved" - 16 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
:-))) Crazy... but still .....
Grounded, Balanced & Centred You have been given Grounded, Balanced & Centred.
Catherine "Dave's Beloved" - 16 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
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