What the hell is this whole "town" thing?
Unknown "My Goddess" Evasive
- 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
DEMENTIA, the terrible goddess of confusion, can turn loved ones into strangers - the proud into the pitiful - the simplest of tasks into ordeals that require impossible feats of heroism. Since childhood she has hated her elder sister Mnemosyne, goddess of memories. Dementia loves to steal memories from people - then throw them up in the air like packs of cards so they fall willy-nilly - in bewildering disarray Or sometimes - her favourite game - she plucks a recollection from the post and hurls it into the pre-sent - so that the senile and confused hove to grope abound in a whirl'd where memories and events flew battlingly in and without of reach other.
Unknown "My Goddess" Evasive
- 17 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
STATE OF THE UNION UPDATE: I'm still comfy and rooted pretty deep in The Cave, still regrouping. This bout is taking longer than I would like. *I* am ready to come out and resume Demmie-like activities, but something in me is resisting, so maybe I'm not as ready as I would like. The Process this time is taking a lot longer than I would like. Maybe some visitors to the Cave would help? I'll sheepishly admit, it's getting kind of lonely and I could use some assuaging kind of attention.... :/
Unknown "My Goddess" Evasive
- 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
Oh and PS... WHY CAN'T I GET THE SEND IM THING AROUND MY USERICON?????I've clicked the right options, logged out and logged back in, reset all cookies.. I dun get it *cries*
Unknown "My Goddess" Evasive
- 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Sorry I haven't been around more the past few days. Got a personal crisis going on (you know the old saying "When it rains, it suckerpunches you and shoves your head in the toilet before it kicks your ass". Or something. I've retreated to the Cave, so that's where I am. Not ignoring anyone, just... as the line from Singles goes: "I'm not wigging. What, you think I'm wigging? This is hang time. I'm just... I'm just regrouping. I'm spending some time with myself,getting stronger. Thinking about... Regrouping." So there it is.
Unknown "My Goddess" Evasive
- 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago