10/10/08 12.05am a week back i got a phone call in the early morning with the news of a dear one's loss of his beloved father. i'm sadden and feel pain for the loss. but i was inspired by the mass which was held on the last day that the passing of one in this life is the beginning of it in another world. emotions were strengthen by strong family ties and support of loved ones which makes the entire ceremony bearable. may peace be with him forever.
Unknown Ecstatic
- 16 years, 5 months, 7 days ago
at 4am in the morning im inspired to pen this. have arrived back from Hong Kong few hrs ago. trip was fantastic cept for the humidity, but it was bearable. its been 3 yrs since i last went and many things have changed. But one thing for sure the food remains top on my list of enjoyment while im there. *yawns.. time for bed. =)
Unknown Ecstatic
- 16 years, 7 months, 16 days ago
i'm so happy today. it's been an enjoyable nite. happy enuff to let me forget abt all the stress around me. "also happy to know that things are looking brighter on ur side." remember that there's always the rainbow waiting over on the other side. nite! =)
Unknown Ecstatic
- 16 years, 7 months, 23 days ago
no one knows what's gonna happen tomoro..life is such an unpredictable course. "take good care of urself, got to be strong and optimistic, life will find it's path to move on, worries wil...FLY away!"
Unknown Ecstatic
- 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
05.07.08 Revenge of the Neon Nerds - The Party @ Zouk had loads of fun, it was Marc's Bday celebrations. i love "US".. always dressed up for the theme. it was a fantastic nite. =)
Unknown Ecstatic
- 16 years, 8 months, 10 days ago