So looks like another crazy week ... It is my high school reunion this weekend ... 20 years (wow I can't believe it has been that long .. I can't possibly be this old I wonder how many people I will be able to recognize. I am still best friends with my best friend from high school so at we are going together .... It will definately be interesting to say the least ... all I can say is bring on the drinks Bree "My Delish Dish"Playful
- 16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago
So it has been a crazy week ... another year old YUK and my brother came in town with my lil nephew (he is 14 months) I leave the the house at 7am and don't get home till close to 9 pm .. but I am not complaining .. anytime I get with my lil guy is well worth it :) He is sooooo cute and growing up so much :) .. also getting nervous .. my 20 yr highschool reunion is next week .. OH MY that should be fun .. lol Bree "My Delish Dish"Playful
- 16 years, 10 months, 8 days ago
I had a bit of a crazy weekend a couple weekends ago. As you can see from my pics I have 2 dogs a 6 yr old yellow lab (Brandi) and 1 yr old english bulldog (George) I picked them up from the groomers on a friday and had the windows down not even a 1/4 of the way for them since it was a gorgeous day. Well I am sure you can tell where this story is going fast .. I looked back and noticed George was almost halfway out the window. I screamed and saw him scrambling as I tried to stop he fell out the window. (Thank god I was in my subdivision and not the main road) As I braked I saw him tumbeling next to my Jeep. I got out thinking he was dead .. or had broken bones ..something serious... he scrammbled to his feet all dirty from rolling in the road (there goes a $35 grooming .. lol) Brandi tried jumping out my car to check on him and he was dazed. I yelled for him to jump in my car and he did. As I climbed in I then notice the blood. I hurried up and get them home so I could check him out. At this point Brandi has blood on her face (from her sniffing him making sure he is ok) I check him over and noticed he scraped up the underside of his jaw and side of his lip (underside of his chin if he had one .. lol) I cleaned him up and called the vet, they said I did what needed to be done and just keep an eye on it. For three days he was a scared docile dog. He crawled under my bed to sleep and cried cause he was afraid to come out on his own and was by my side non-stop. I could barely get anything done. Well 4 days later he was back to himself. I came home at night from taking mom to chemo and he was all over me. I sat on the couch and he charged at me jumping on my lap (that felt good he thinks he is a lap dog .. a 58lb lap dog and smoothered me in kisses. It was funny and I couldnt be mad since he was back to his crazy self... So that was my crazy story! Bree "My Delish Dish"Playful
- 16 years, 10 months, 9 days ago
Sorry I had to delete a couple of my best selling items. A few people decided to report me. Funny thing ... they weren't as risque' as some of the things I have seen. Bree "My Delish Dish"Playful
- 17 years ago