"Miss Devlin"Adored
- 16 years, 11 months ago
WELL THEN just because you bought yourself doesn't mean I won't buy you back
"Miss Devlin"Adored
- 17 years, 8 days ago
I said ridiculous a lot in that last comment and I didn't even realize it. I guess it must be true then hahahahaha! = DDDD
"Miss Devlin"Adored
- 17 years, 29 days ago
LMAO! omg!!! you are absolutely ridiculous!!!!
and I'm sorry there's no sound bite to go with it, if I was a tech geek I would fix it but we both know that would be impossible... : X hehehe
I can not believe you just "sang" that song... seriously I can't believe it and you know what I can see you sitting there fucking singing it counting how many lows there are in the verse. Derek you are ridiculous!!!!
<3 hahahaha
"Miss Devlin"Adored
- 17 years, 29 days ago
hahaha in spiriit of the pole dancing classes I've told you about and the frequent references to cows.....