Men do not often sense this danger; the danger to which they are exposed because of this unseen abilty. They have many names, those evil beings that threaten all of Man: goblins, trolls, dark elves, dwarves and more. The cats name them Kobold. Kobolds are quick and they are small and they lust after Man’s ability to harness the aether. And cats are their ancient enemy.
Unknown "Master's Knight" Serene
- 16 years, 10 months, 26 days ago
When humans build or create even the most simplistic construction they weave aether into its fabric. Many of these form Gate that cats may use to navigate between cities. They can turn a corner and appear hundreds of miles away. Humans cannot see them nor can they use them and they are ignorant of their ability to harness the natural energy of the aether, but it brings cats to their side and to war. It is this wondrous ability to unconsciously manipulate the aether that both endears them to cats, and endangers them.
Unknown "Master's Knight" Serene
- 17 years, 14 days ago
Streams of aether light the night skies above the city. Sinuous tendrils leak into the sky and others are bound into the constructions of Man. It is never wholly dark above the City of Cats and it's shifting light washes over all the exposed places and byways of the City.
Unknown "Master's Knight" Serene
- 17 years, 18 days ago
The City of Cats stretches as far the eye can see: a sprawling leviathan. The City is all human cities linked as one. A canny cat can pass from one side of the human world to another in a few days and all cats are canny.
Unknown "Master's Knight" Serene
- 17 years, 26 days ago
Dwelling beside and within the City of Men is the City of Cats. It is invisible to the untrained eye of Man, but is as bright and vibrant. Witha culture ancient and alien, whose traditions extend beyond of human history, the cats have watched and toyed with Man.
Unknown "Master's Knight" Serene
- 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago