Wow you graduated A&M! Call this presumptuous if you must but did you happen to graduate in Engineering or Business? Well, not that it matters. Graduating in any field is quite an accomplishment and I'd like to congratulate you sir on your success. I'm actually just entering college myself but my sister is graduating this year and my brother will be graduating shortly. Myself? I'm entering Gaming Development and Design. I'd love to hear about you though. Please contact me and we'll talk.
"Hunky foxy boi"Tired
- 16 years, 7 months, 14 days ago
Italy was amazing!!!! I miss parts of it, but it's nice to be home. Maybe I'll post some pics on here one day when I have time. Good to hear from you and know you're still alive and kicking lol.
"Faux Hawk Hottie"Adored
- 16 years, 8 months, 1 day ago