So it been a week since i started ripping apart my house and i haven't gotten much father. But i have made i nice big mess. I am lucky, cause the wife is a teacher and had the week off yet , so things are little tidier then i left it. This week-end is to be festooned with the joys of tilling the remaining walls and behind the toilet ( which i haven't put back yet). But i am very happy that the bath stall area looks very good and will look even better once i have grouted it all.
Unknown "cap'n Qa"
- 17 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
So when your wife says," All I want for Christmas is remodel the the bath tub", run. Because she of course she knows that you are going smash the toilet, with a slightly misaligned hammer swing. That of course leads to ripping the the floor , case the toilet tills. Then the water spill on the dining room ceiling, that now must be replaced. ALL I WANT, ALL I WANT
Unknown "cap'n Qa"
- 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago