What's important in a relationship? Good question!One who:-
1) will respect one's ability (no comparison with others coz once there are comparison, there's always like a never ending story),
2) understanding (most important in a relationship),
3) caring,
4) honest,
5) faithful (not into someone who likes to hop from one relationship to another),
6) supportive,
7) trust (have trust in the person you love and not being suspicious in whatever she does!),
8) ability to appreciate what the lover has done for her,
9) can forgive and forget,
10) respect each other's decision on things (dun try to change each other),
11) responsible,
12) patience,
13) be yourself (no pretending, you'll suffer!)
14) confident & firm decision making (no changing minds over things like a rollercoaster),
15) love your partner for who she/he is, accept the good and the bad sides(as long as not going overboard) of her/him.
16) seeing relationship as a commitment, not a game!
17) effective communication (don't hide things, playing the guessing games!)
I understand that there's no one who's perfect in this world as we're not robots to be programmed to be perfect! Humans still subject to imperfections. Yes I don't expect to find one who will meet all those criterias above. I still will accept my partner for who she is as a whole package if I'm really in love with her...
But sometimes, I've been wondering what "LOVE" is all about. Will one really appreciates what the partner has done for her and love the partner for who she is rather than looking at the surface to judge or trying so hard to change her? It is too complicated and relationship became so fragile these days coz no compromisation, patience and responsibility...
Love is not just something that you can turn on and off like a faucet. It is a partnership and it's something that you have to work at. You have to acknowledge that there will be bad times as well as the good and work through them. It's only by two people working together can you make a real relationship. Remember, it is much easier to win back lost love than it is to find it. Treasure your partner more if you truly love her and be sure she's the one before you start the relationship with to cut the pain when one of you tend to walk off half way through.
Falling in love is always easy but to maintain it, it needs lotsa hardwork and normally just cause of small matters, one of the party tends to just walk away like that. Being in a relationship is no roll in the hay. It's tough, real work. But the reward, the edifice you build together that will shelter you through years of tough times, is more than worth the effort...
Unknown "Celene" Unwell
- 16 years, 2 months, 12 days ago