i train everyday to become strong. I will protect whats important to me no matter what. If i become inhuman or even die if thats what it takes to protect what i care about so be it. I'm a kid so i do like to have fun even during training. I'm more loyal then a lot of people now NO matter what people may believe. I stick to my own code. I debate a lot of the time on whether love is a weakness or a strength then i get hungry and eat some ramen. One day i hope to atone for the sins that have left their scar on me. I'm way out there and do all my own stunts. We're even starting a little show of my stupidity. Hopefully one day i can find a sponsor. I can preform stupid stunts that will put my life on the line but i can't ask out a girl cuz i'm to scared.
i managed to get two of my friends to go to homecoming together now i sit and wonder what will happen i hope it turns out well shane vanasse"sasuke"Angry
- 16 years, 3 months, 27 days ago
learning to control your wrath and hatred is hard especially when you've gone without it for 2 years but you were originally born knowing nothing else and led a life based on this nature. After going so long without its scary the things that happen when your wrath is unleashed. The damage done. Things broke, people hurt, others scared and staying away from you like you have some sort of disease and getting within a foot could cause death. And when you try to lock your hate away from the world to spare the ones you care about others take advantage of this and treat you as though your worthless and beneath them. I face these problems now and i don't want to unleash my hatred but i'm beginning to fear that i must i just hope those who never invoked my wrath those who i care about will never have to see it or get in its path. shane vanasse"sasuke"Angry
- 16 years, 4 months, 13 days ago
i miss Dave who in the short time that i knew him i ended up seeing him as an older brother and decided to adopt him as the room has no laughter in it now that he has left, no more random and deep conversations, no more gaming on 2 tvs, no more guitar playing, no more of the stupid jokes he used to make, no more picking on me about girls like an older brother would, no more of his advice that seemed to work, no more random walks at night . He always tried to give me a back bone when i needed it. But now he's gone but i have his teachings and everything he told me and a few of his things and most importantly the knowledge that he'll be back in 6 months and then again in 4 years. I have to stand strong now and deal until then. Its going to be hard now and i wish he was still here. however the thought of our plan and the fact he will return will help overcome the fact i have once again been separated by someone who is my brother. shane vanasse"sasuke"Angry
- 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
I watch the snow flakes fall as they cover my world and it reminds me of what has happened to my heart and as the the snow melts away I question if the same will happen to the icey baracade around my heart or will it remain an artic tundra never to melt and free my heart
(then i have some hot chocolate) shane vanasse"sasuke"Angry
- 17 years, 18 days ago