i'm going off on a roadtrip to edmonton, calgary, cranbrook, calgary, seattle, california, north/south dakot and then up the BC coast if you have a bike and would like to join let me know :) NO CROTCHROCKETS its not that i dont like you i just choose to go at a slower pace and i know you'll be so bored you'll have to do stunts to stay awake so i'm sorry i wont be enough lol RIDE TO LIVE LIVE TO RIDE
Unknown "Nee" Loving
- 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago
okay lesson for the day this will apply for women more than men but if you are a man that can wear two inch platforms all the power to you. equations highheel + sexy dress = tons of attention highheels + drunken friend + drunk friend stumbling + tequila = bruised knees (although this is one way to get then it is not the only way ;) lol ) so your lesson tequil = flats trust me its safer lol
Unknown "Nee" Loving
- 16 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
PSYCHO HUMAN PET OWNERS can someone please explain to some of these psycho owners this is a game people want to be bought off you so that their price can increase they dont want you hording them and freaking out on anyone that buys them it makes you look like a freak. CALM DOWN its not like you literally own these people and if someoen buys them get off your lazy ass and buy them back dont send threatening emails and seek revenge by buying off the other person pets because truthfully that person probably doesnt give a hoot and a hollar what you do and they just laugh at how creepy you are acting. grow up its a game and dont be such a loser. if you agree Thumb this
Unknown "Nee" Loving
- 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago