Sir Andy
- 16 years, 5 months, 21 days ago
well thats cool cool my dear :-D well enjoy the kicking u and your bf can go team kicking! haha why didnt u finish them in school?! lazy like me? heehee ive contemplated doing some of mine again, to get better marks. but i just dont need them anymore really. :-/ oo u need to thumb all of my previous posts too :-D 10 pts for each!! woooo THUMBS FTW!!!!!! :-D xx
Sir Andy
- 16 years, 6 months, 17 days ago
hey hun, im all good thank you very much,just lots of working and chillaxing at the moment. just taking it easy. how are you doing??!! i bet your glad your sister is moving out huh!! more space n what not. oooo im really good at maths, was my best subject. was best in my school id have you know. in fast i was so good, that i got perfect marks on all my written work for my maths course. wooohoo for me. and i got 98% correct on my actual 2 exams average... i think i got 99 and a 97 on each other them. heehee english im ok, i was just lazy! lol so do u get to choose your subjects now? or do u have set ones that u have to go to? okies hun, ill catch ya soon :-D xx P.S. dont forget to click on the thumb icon on the left of each of my posts :-D means i get 10pts for you doing it :-D heehee
Sir Andy
- 16 years, 6 months, 18 days ago
hey cinda... where are you??!! *jumps around your page* come say helloooooooo :-P speak to ya soon xx
Sir Andy
- 16 years, 6 months, 22 days ago
aawwwww, i feel bad for ya, all that crazy times going on! maybe u should give your sis a nudge in the right direction! lol so what sports do u like to watch? nba? nfl? nhl? mlb? you need to thumb me <points at thumbs> click on em! heehee speak to ya soon chick x
Sir Andy
- 16 years, 7 months, 3 days ago