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"::My blood elf::"

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Unknown's tales
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My mom is so adorable. ^-^ parents are legally separated, and after a year they can file for an uncontested divorce...if they wanted a divorce sooner there would be nasty court processes, and it's an amicable split.


So she's seeing this guy, Jim, and it's so cute when she talks to or about him--she gets all giddy and giggly--it's like she's a teenager again. Friday night they went out for dinner in a casino and she didn't come home until after 3:00...which is really late for her.

Tonight he's taking her out to coffee, and I asked her where, and she mentioned a chain store (one of the places she said was Denny's...ick!) so I "educated" her a bit and told her to make him take her to a nice, actually coffee shop...there's a local coffee shop called Spot Coffee that I thought would be perfect.

Then before she left we were comparing lipstick choices for her, rummaging through our individual collections to find a suitable color--we settled on a dark pink.

Then I told her, jokingly, to not stay out too late, and she joked about calling off of work and saying she had the flu, and I told her to tell them she had the "love bug."

Ain't it cute when they start dating? ^-^
Unknown "::My blood elf::" Purring - 17 years, 12 days ago
We downed Gruul yesterday! Yay! Still didn't get anything though. =P I'm finally running Karazhan tonight, hopefully something good drops!

Can't decide where to go to lvl on the mage now that I'm 40...hmmm.

My boyfriend texted me, "Sore." I couldn't think of anything really to say so I said "Roar."
...he hasn't texted me back =X

Today in my Human Sexualities class we started talking about the female anatomy, and the professor has this way of making people feel uncomfortable...purposely. He won't even bring his book to class anymore, he says, he's going to let us read from the book and tell him all the parts. No big deal, right? God, you should have seen and heard the guys in class when we started talking about the clitoris...
Unknown "::My blood elf::" Purring - 17 years, 16 days ago
Ahhhh, back to HP.
I've been a bit busy as of late, but in a good, World of Warcraft way. ^^

I went on my first raid with the guild Tuesday on my druid. Gruul's, and it was my first time in it too. Didn't win anything but it was just awesome to be there, everyone is so laid-back and relaxed about raiding, it really makes things that much more fun. I start running Karazhan too with them on Tuesday...oh my, busy me.

And the bigger news--I finally hit 40 on my BE mage! I got my black hawkstrider today and was just having fun riding around Silvermoon was awesome. I don't care what some people say, I love the look of the hawkstriders. It was so hard for me to pick one because they're all so pretty!
Now I have to figure out what zone to level in next...hmmmm...
Unknown "::My blood elf::" Purring - 17 years, 21 days ago
Today...*NERD ALERT*

I joined a new guild with my 70 drood. I want to raid, and the last guild I was in wasn't interested in having me raid. This guild was in need of droods so I'm pretty excited. Going to try to grab a spot tomorrow!

Might level my mage tonight, or at least try to...two more levels and I can get pait to port people places, heehee! Not to mention finally get a mount!

In other news, I've been pretty unproductive today as usual. I had thought about cleaning my room (there is a floor in there somewhere) but I didn't feel like it. Might work on one of my blankets too.
Unknown "::My blood elf::" Purring - 17 years, 25 days ago
Today's "tale"...irony can be an amusing little bitch.

I'm taking two online courses: social psychology and personality. Basically, each week i read a chapter from the book and take a test on it. Last week, the first week, I got an 80 on both, and I was not a happy camper.

This week...the chapter on social psychology focused on self-esteem and self-efficacy, among other things. I had planned on going back to sleep for a while but I took the test instead--I got a 90.

Pleasantly surprised, I proceeded to read and prepare for my second test--I got a 100.

So now I feel pretty good about myself. =P

But I might sleep anyway, because I'm lazy and still tired.
Unknown "::My blood elf::" Purring - 17 years, 27 days ago
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Alexander Graesser
random comment #67) *scared* You have been scared
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 5 months, 7 days ago

You have been given WOW, I'd ManaTap that!.
Crafted by Unknown
Cyborg "Lil Doll" - 16 years, 5 months, 23 days ago
hay ges what i got my nose pierced!
Unknown Evasive - 16 years, 10 months, 25 days ago
hopfuly but that would be a shit lode of ice cream
Unknown Evasive - 16 years, 10 months, 25 days ago
Haha, yeah..I'm 61 now :x
I've been building rep w/ undercity..I just NOW am exalted as of..5 mins ago. =D Im gonna get the Undead epic. ^^ I love it. And I cant find anyone to help me w/ my dreadsteed quest. =O

I really dont get on here much. xD I check stuff and sign off. >.> So, it gets annoying when ppl want me to thumb them just because they did me. are you =D
Amanda "My ☆Pandaaa " Ferocious - 16 years, 10 months, 26 days ago
Amanda are you? =] I have no idea what to comment with, just that I want to leave you one. o.O I haven't been on the internet lately. Just..WoW. xD Level 52 yay! Haha. The only reason that sucks is in PvP battlegrounds I'm like..the lowest level and the ones I'm fighting are like..60. I die. >.> Le sigh. I rambleeee....a lot lot. >]
Soooo....yeah. I dunno. =D
Amanda "My ☆Pandaaa " Ferocious - 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
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