She took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. -- Bible, 'Genesis' 3:6 -7.
Unknown "Serene Elegance" Peaceful
- 17 years, 19 days ago
The pain generally felt at death is due to the nature of the intensity of the desires with which one continued to live in the physical body. The more is the love for the Universal Being entertained in life, the less would be the pain and agony of departing from the body.
Unknown "Serene Elegance" Peaceful
- 17 years, 23 days ago
Light is meaningful only in relation to darkness, and truth presupposes error. It is these mingled opposites which people our life, which make it pungent, intoxicating. We only exist in terms of this conflict, in the zone where black and white clash.
Unknown "Serene Elegance" Peaceful
- 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
Can the knowledge deriving from reason even begin to compare with knowledge perceptible by sense?
Unknown "Serene Elegance" Peaceful
- 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
When nature has work to be done, she creates a genius to do it.
Unknown "Serene Elegance" Peaceful
- 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago