i never come on here anymore..yet when i'm suppossed to be doing school work on a deadline..i find myself here...lol Unknown"Untamed NFS"
- 16 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
the night bus..i'm glad it exists as i live in the suburbs and like to party downton, but man..there are some weirdos on there. last night this very strange looking woman sits besides me and says i saved you from weirdo's sitting beside you and then just keeps talking (unintelligably too) and talking and i'm thinking to myself, saved from the weirdos? and then my friend gets on the bus and says hi, well that and about two more sentences are all i got in with my friend as this woman wouldn't stop talking, butting into our converstaion, dominating the conversation. then my friend gets off and i go to call a friend and this woman wont stop talking in my ear so i let my friend go and tried to lean my head against the window and try to nap as the bus ride takes an hour...and i really didn't want to deal with this woman. well the woman starts jostling me in the seat, seriously she kept purposely slamming her body into mine while saying "hey!hey!hey!" and i'm thinking oh great...and just keep ignoring her..finally she says something along the lines of "fuck you" to me and leaves..now seriously wtf? Unknown"Untamed NFS"
- 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
i'm a blonde now...i had a hair dying disaster and since i had to have it stripped i figured i mis well take it back to my natural blonde for the summer Unknown"Untamed NFS"
- 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
my friend just directed me to the you tube vid of my first tv performance..a gowan music video...lol. i'm @ 1:14 in the video, the one in the back..lol..so funny..sigh..i was so young.
the grrl who posted it disabled embedding, so you'll have to use this link:
Unknown"Untamed NFS"
- 16 years, 11 months, 21 days ago
Unknown"Untamed NFS"
- 16 years, 11 months, 22 days ago