Thank you for my home :) It was getting quite chilly in the rain. This week has been super. Good start to the new year all round. How about yourself? x
Im in nursing school now. So i'm insured a job pretty much anywhere I move. My job now is great. I never have anyone looking over my shoulder or even paying attention to me and I work when I want. Pays a lot more than anywhere else Id find a job around here. But, I gotta go take my mom to the doctors. I'll message you later!
"My Wifey"Adored
- 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
I dont know how someone can work that many jobs!! Atleast your third isnt an actual part time job. I work for a title insurance company. I have my own little office so I can hide in there and play on the internet when Im really not supposed to I'm also looking into moving out... of the state! My aunt in hilton head wants me to move down there with her. I think I might actually do it this time. Finish school here then pack it all up. Wanna join?
You have been taken on a trip.
"My Wifey"Adored
- 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
Hi. My new year hasn't been too bad so far. If i'm not at work playing on here i'm at home asleep lol How about yours?
You have been offered a cigar.
"My Wifey"Adored
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago