I seem to have found myself in an interesting, mild, life dilemma. I can’t call it a crisis, as I could very clearly see a positive outcome. I was having a Sliding Door moment. Ever seen that movie? With Gwyneth Pultrow? Her life is split in two simply by her either making or missing an underground train. By making it, or not, through the sliding door.
That is now what I call moments in my life when it takes such a profound direction change that you can’t help but notice.
This was one of those times. I had been offered the perfect job about 6 months ago. I would have a chance to be creative, to be useful and included in a dynamic team.....small problem.....my boss (isn’t it always).
She had a vision for her company, and one of them included me being a perfect, robotic, indestructible being. Which needless to say, I am far from. I did try. And to be honest I have learnt allot, but in the end the strain of striving to those unrealistic expectations almost drove me mad. I picked up weight (comfort eating), I had less time for my husband and kids, and I was constantly ill.
So, one morning I took the plunge. I sat down with my boss with my grievances and tried to offer solutions. But alas, she would not bite. So in a matter of 3 days I had found the courage to stand up to my boss, tried to find constructive solutions, and found myself walking to my car with my tissue box and coffee cup coaster under my arm.
So here I sit. Hoping and praying that I will find a job which I really want to do before my husband demands I find another 9-5er.
So what is my dream job? I have no clue. But I know what I want. To only work half day or from home (don't we all) Not have a boss, or at least one who stays out of my face enough for me to get the job done. And still be able to pay the bills and spend time with family and time to get back into shape (or out of my current round one)
I am thinking of writing!
Any suggestions appreciated.
Unknown "def favourite" Lonely
- 16 years, 4 months, 25 days ago