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Unknown's tales
So I saw my first bumblybee of the year today which made me metaphorically hop skip and jump with joy... on another more note... WeightWatchers... don't bother it's a frikkin rip off... I thought it would be a great tonic to go, expecting to see a great show with fatties jigglinng their lardy bits and flapping their bingo wings around... that shit always makes me chortle... so I sat down waiting for the show to start thinking it odd that so many fatties would also find watching fellow fatties getting down dancehall stylee etc etc so amusing... well... and you'll never believe this... turns out I was completely wrong... WeightWatchers is actually just a group for people to bitch about how they miss eating pie and trying to convince each other that rice cakes ARE actually tastier than cheesecake... how dissappointed was I.... very... thats how much.... I am so glad I got kicked out for heckling... what a frikking swizzle... and they charge people for going to that pile of steaming doo doo... someone should call in trading standards I tell you...
Unknown "Loobys" Feisty
- 16 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
so... rain huh... it's one of those things that i both like and dislike... i like the sound of rain on the roof and i like watching it run down the window, but i dont like it on my face... I like jumping in puddles, but I hate it when I get drenched by a car zooming through a particularly big one...I love walking through tropical rain on holidays - big drops of warm rain that appear and then disappear momentarily, but I don't like getting drenched to the skin when there is an icy wind blowing... see, I am undecided whether rain is in fact good or bad... thunder and lighting on the other hand... simple inside = good, outside = bad.
Unknown "Loobys" Feisty
- 16 years, 10 months, 17 days ago
Frikkin chain letters on my FB walls... enough already... quit it you muppets, there is absolutely no need to drag me into that fo' shizzle... I would much rather be out and about petting or spanking people than putting your crap in the trash can. Did a piano just drop on my head... i think not... 'nuff said?... rant ends...
Unknown "Loobys" Feisty
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
I am slightly confused as to why people have to describe themsels as crazy/mad/bonkers etc etc... Sorry but I don't believe you...to me it's like me saying I am fucking gorgeous me and everyone wants to ride me senseless... not true in the slightest... I could be wrong on this but it just makes me wonder thats all.
Unknown "Loobys" Feisty
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
Finally (For today anyways)... If I go surfing for points i will usually pet of leave a comment... it's very rude to just turn up on someone's driveway and then reverse out again... they may have already got the kettle on... manners cost nothing people... rant over....
Unknown "Loobys" Feisty
- 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago
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